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“TWINKLE” 126th place value

“TWINKLE” 126th place value

Girls' Generation Tetiso's "TWINKLE" MV views 10 million↑

The music video for ``TWINKLE'', the title song of the mini album ``TWINKLE'' by girl group Girls' Generation's first unit Girls' Generation Taetiso (Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun), has exceeded 10 million views on YouTube.

``TWINKLE'' is gaining popularity, ranking 126th on the Billboard 200 chart (April 23rd to 29th) in the last week of April, the highest ranking for a Korean singer.
(From K-POP News)

“TWINKLE” by “Tetiso” has exceeded 10 million views on Youtube. In less than ten days.
K-POP has captured the hearts of young people and is gaining momentum. Where will its final destination be?

When I went to see what the rankings were on the Billboard 200 chart this week, I found out that TWINKLE had fallen out of the rankings. I looked at other charts such as the HOT 100, but it didn't appear anywhere.
I once again feel that it is difficult to appear on the ``Billboard 200'' chart.

As I was following the rankings, I was reminded once again that more than 80% of the names listed in these rankings are white, the rest are black singers, and there are almost no yellow singers.
When "TWINKLE" appeared in 126th place, they were the only girls in yellow. The more I think about it, the more amazing things they are accomplishing.

There are some singers I know, such as Justin Bieber, but most of them I don't know. Of course, there is no way to know what kind of songs they will sing. There are singers who look like they are doing rock music, and there are singers who wear cowboy hats. Maybe he's singing an old country song with a guitar in hand. There are overwhelmingly many solo singers, and there are only a handful of group singers.

I'm starting to think that K-pop, which is sending out so many groups of singers to the world, is a heresy.
However, it is an undeniable fact that K-Pop is gaining popularity all over the world.
From Asia to Europe, Africa, and Central and South America, the momentum of K-POP shows no signs of slowing down.

On the other hand, it may not be the case that star singers such as Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, who have electrified the world, are overwhelmingly driving the American music world.

If you look at the ``Billboard 200'' charts, you can see that songs by veteran singers who have established roots in the United States are quite prominent, and it can be seen that old-fashioned music continues to be popular.

When will K-POP, such as songs from Girls' Generation, firmly take root in that market?

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