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Apink fantasizing about their next comeback stage

Apink fantasizing about their next comeback stage

Apink will make a comeback on January 7, 2019... Interest in the concept increases

★“We are planning to perform an upgraded version of ``Pink Rush,'' which follows the previous song ``None.''...Adding girl crush (a woman's admiration for a woman) to Apink's pure charm. It's a new concept. You'll be able to discover even deeper pinks."

They will perform an upgraded version of ``Pink Rush'', which follows their previous song ``No One''...

It is almost unthinkable that Apink, who have continued to be so particular about pure music, would fall into the conventional stage of provocative and sexy.
I wonder what kind of sexiness will emerge there... and my interest in them deepens.

Girl Crush joins in, following in the footsteps of the previous song ``No One''. This is a very difficult concept.
How will Apink sing and perform this?

When it comes to music that women admire, the first thing that comes to mind is BLACKPINK, then Red Velvet, and although I don't really understand it as a man myself, MAMAMOO, which has a lot of support from female fans, is also likely to come.
I don't think Apink, their predecessors, would do music that fits any of them. However, since a girl crush is something that women are attracted to, it can't be helped to approach the realm of women's preferences. It seems likely that it will resemble one of the groups mentioned above.
While watching BLACKPINK and Red Velvet's music stages, I dreamed of Apink's next stage.
Red Velvet's stage overlaps with Apink.
Red Velvet's music has become popular with the support of their generation, and they are growing together with their fans. However, the performance never seems to age. Perhaps because of this, he has recently begun to gain support from middle school and high school girls.
The part of Red Velvet's stage that appeals to me the most is Irene's, but when I watch her performance, I feel like I see her when I was a girl. It is also similar to Apink's "MYMY".

I feel like Apink's next comeback will create a world similar to Red Velvet's stage.

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