
Zazen 法話のページ

The extract from “The lecture of Hannyashin sutra” by Kakushyo Takagami 4

2022-11-29 | Buddhism
The sixth lecture  ‘Awaken Karma‘
59) The rice dealer said making a joke with laughing yesterday.
Because listening to the Emptiness or Mu in the holy sutra lecture every single day, so, I don’t have to worry if I suffer any losses ever. 
Even if don’t understand the profound meaning of emptiness, or at least, have a broad-minded and loose feel that you are as much as enough with the birth of the nakedness, are correct as it is.

60) Reflecting on the original meaning of Hannya and doing it without wasting it, I would like to contribute to our life and society with all our heart and comfort so far. 

61) In short, if looking at every inch, Buddhist fundamental teaching means Karma after all. The relations of the interdependence of give-and-take and the principle that everything is constantly in an endless cycle, those truths come from the parent’s body named Karma completely. 

62) To tell the truth, the reason why a human’s son became Buddha was that realized Karma. Moreover, it is Buddhism that Buddha who got enlightenment taught the truth of Karma through his experience namely. Therefore, Buddhism means Buddha’s teaching. For all that, because Buddha was realized person, Buddhism is for human beings after all. And Buddhism is not the teaching of God, is the teaching by a human, doesn’t stay the heaven, stay on earth. 

63)Alpha and omega in the religions, the first and the last, are ultimately the humans.
From those who go astray rise to those who are enlightened. From those who slept rise to those who awakened. 
There is a religious primary object in there. All in all, religion does not command a distant view and is here in our harm the Pure land does not have a place. Where do you ask with devoting yourself? Where is religion without human life at least? Therefore, the question of why you need religion means why you must live at the same time. 

64) Nothing is my alive rejoicing; nothing is my sadness of death. they are all lies. It is right for us to feel the joy of living and to die with sadness. He who gets enlightenment as living and death to be one, feels alive joy, feels death with sadness. It is good as it is. The important issue for us is not being obsessed with it. Don’t be a slave about it.

65) Where is a religion without human nature?
 A religion needs not for those who live in the world of heaven with getting be pretentious. Those who have a muddy job and are worried about the world need it. It requires religion for the human world that cannot be dreamed of as a dream or given up for the loss. Moreover, you will reach the religious world by cultivating your human way deeply. You will reach it naturally. Without deeply cultivating your heart, if searching your neighboring place, there is nothing religious fountain.

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 
久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1 圓通寺 
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