

Damage caused by deer

2025-03-27 05:51:44 | 日記

Yesterday, the cherry blossoms were declared to have bloomed in the area where I live.

Now that it's warmer, I've started watering my potted plants again.

23 years ago, due to various circumstances, I left the convenient city where I was used to living and now live in the mountains, where deer and wild boars have invaded my property and the violets that began to bloom the day before yesterday were gone by yesterday morning, eaten by the deer.

Although flowers bloom in spring, it also increases the damage caused by the intrusion of deer and wild boars.

The four seasons have passed again this year, and spring has certainly arrived.🎊🌱😅😁

White Daphne

2025-03-26 05:56:06 | 日記

The white wintersweet that I pruned quite heavily two years ago has bloomed for the first time in two years?

The white wintersweet that I pruned quite heavily two years ago has bloomed for the first time in two years?

After two years, the branches that were left behind are once again covered in teardrop-like buds that have opened and are releasing a sweet, fragrant fragrance into the air. Seeing this, I realized that these flowers are heralding spring, announcing that it has become warmer every year. I am grateful.

Thank you for coming back. I'll do my best again.


2025-03-25 06:56:14 | 日記

For the past four years, I have been mowing a 2,000m2 field from Golden Week to October using only mosquito repellent spray, but last year I developed a spot on my face for the first time in 37 years.

This sunscreen cream was featured in the weekend Asahi Shimbun in a product introduction column titled "Products you'll want to keep close by," and was said to be easy to use and spread like lotion, so I bought it on Amazon.

This year, I'll apply sunscreen cream over mosquito repellent spray before mowing the grass.

I'm starting to feel physical and mental discomfort that I didn't have when I was younger, but the work I do remains the same. I have no choice but to do💪⤴😊

Starting gardening

2025-03-24 03:59:44 | 日記

Yesterday, I pruned the crepe myrtle that had been bothering me. This was the first gardening job of the year.

For about three hours, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., I pruned the wisteria vines on the border with the neighbor's house below, and the geranium stems that were sticking out of their pots.

In order to make it in time for putting out my food waste the next day, I divided it into three large bags and took it to the collection site.

In order to make it in time for the next day's food waste collection, I divided the garbage into three large bags and took them to the collection site. Even if it was just grass, I couldn't carry a large bag full of garbage to the collection site.

I will continue working in the garden today. I will do my best while being careful to avoid accidents and injuries.

Graduation, Enrollment,further education

2025-03-23 07:09:18 | 日記

A girl who has been exposed to English sounds since she was five years old will be entering junior high school this spring.

It is said that it takes at least 2,000 hours of listening to a foreign language before you can produce its sounds as if it were your native language.

At 30 minutes a day over the past seven years, her listening time has accumulated to 1,101 hours and 30 minutes. If she continues at this pace, it will take her another seven years to surpass 2,000 hours.

During last week's lesson, I asked her if she would continue with the 2,000 hours of listening to be able to speak English after her lessons with me were over, and she immediately replied, "Yes, I will."

I was a little happy to sense her desire to be able to speak English, something I had never sensed from her normally.

Rather than teaching English for exams, I teach the enjoyment of English as sound, with a focus on phonics, and how to teach English in a way that can be self-study and enjoyed for a lifetime.

Her "I do" was the best present ever.