【日付 / Date】2020/7/15(水)
【場所 / Location】旭岳・姿見の池園地 / Asahidake, Sugatami Pond area
【天候 / Weather】午前は曇り、午後は大雨 / Cloudy with heavy rain in the afternoon.
【気温 / Temperature】~12℃
【風速 / Wind Speed】~5m/s
【The view of Sapphire Pond and the peak of Asahidake from the 3rd viewpoint】
While you should definitely head to Sugatami Pond if you can, you don't have to go that far to see the flowers and sceanary.
【エゾノツガザクラ(Phyllodoce caerulea)】
Purple mountain heath and Yellow Rhododendron are flowering between the Ropeway station and the first viewpoint.
【チングルマ(Sieversia pentapetala)・自分の指(Digiti Manus)】
Just beyond the first viewpoint there are lots of Aleutian Avens in bloom.
【イワブクロ(Penstemon frutescens)】
【エゾイソツツジ(Ledum palustre ssp. diversipilosum)】
Around the 3rd viewpoint you can take in the flowers and the Husband and Wife ponds.
【エゾイソツツジ(Ledum palustre ssp. diversipilosum)】
Beyond the 3rd view point there are steep stairs which can be difficult to climb. However, there are also some big steps between the 1st and 3rd view point. Take it easy and enjoy as much of the Sugatami Trails as you have the energy for.