

Daily Vocabulary(2023/07/21)

2023年07月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
30811.outnumber(~に数で勝る、~を数凌駕する、~の数を上回る、~より数が多い )to be more in number than another group s 
Is it true that sheep outnumber humans in New Zealand?. 
30812.cosmos(宇宙)the whole universe, especially when you think of it as a system 
Humans have always wondered what their place in the cosmos is.
30813.spot(見つける,見抜く,見分ける.  )to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize 
The team spotted a distant black hole eating a star.
30814.supernova(超新星 )a very large exploding star 
How often do supernovas occur?
30815.go out(出かける、付き合う )to leave your house, especially in order to enjoy yourself /to have a romantic relationship with someone 
How long have you and Maggie been going out