

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/14)

2024年12月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32356.icy氷に覆われて、ひどく冷えて、冷淡な )extremely cold 類義語 frosty/covered in ice  
The literal translation of this ward is "cat tongue".
32357.frostbite(凍傷、霜焼)a condition caused by extreme cold, that makes your fingers and toes swell, become darker, and sometimes fall off 
I almost. get frostbite out there in the  icy temperature
32358.rescue (救助、救出)a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular direction 
When I started to slip on the icy sidewalk, Nan to Paris, I had trouble with the language barrier. 
32359.upside down(さかさまに、さかさまの) with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top 
The last picture in the slideshow was upside down.
32360.inside out(裏返しに)with the usual outside parts on the inside 
I had no idea my socks were on inside out. 

