The most famous resident of a zoo in central Japan has been treated to a rousing birthday party. Shabani the gorilla made headlines worldwide this year for his dashing good looks, and hundreds of people turned out to celebrate as he turned 19.
Keepers at the Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens gave Shabani a cake decorated with his favorite vegetables — pumpkins, tomatoes and bell peppers. About 500 visitors cheered when the birthday boy emerged from his cage and took a big bite of the cake.
Shabani also won many hearts for his parenting. He's a father of two, and unlike most male gorillas, he takes good care of his children.
The handsome beast is the star of a new photo book out this month. The publisher says they've printed about 10,000 copies to meet the demand from all Shabani's swooning fans.
◆resident 住民
◆rousing 熱烈な
◆make headlines 大きく報道される
◆dashing かっこいい、さっそうとしている
◆turn out 集まる、出席する
◆bell peppers パプリカ
◆parenting 子育て、育児
◆meet the demand 需要に応える
◆swooning fans 魅了されるファン