

Daily Vocabulary(2019/05/21)

2019年05月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
23471.condiment (薬味、調味料 ) a powder or liquid, such as salt or ketchup, that you use to give a special taste to food 
Grated wasabi or daikon radish is frequently used as a condiment.
23472.sprinkle (振りかける、散らす)to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of something
Sprinkle chopped parsley on the salad.
23473.stand out(目立つ、際立つ、すぐれている、(他が屈しても)あくまでがんばる )to be very easy to see or notice, to be much better than other similar people or things 
What is a childhood memory that stands out?
23474.sit -com(テレビドラマ ) a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different situations each week
 what is the name of your favorite sit -com?.
23475.blown away (圧倒される、ひどく驚く、たまげる、感動する、感心する ) 
I'm blown away by his generosity.

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