

Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/06)

2019年01月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
22811.neat(きちんとした / 整った)tidy and carefully arranged
Your house is beautiful! Everything is perfectly organized and neat.
22812.That's neat(いいね / 素敵だね)
You spent the last three years traveling the world? That's neat.
22813.vacancy(空室)a room in a hotel or building that is not being used and is available for someone to stay in
Do you have any vacancies?
22814.rooms available(空室)
You got any rooms available for tonight and tomorrow?
22815.trailer(予告編)an advertisement for a new film or television show
Did you see that movie trailer?

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評伝 小室直樹(上):学問と酒と猫を愛した過激な天才

2019年01月05日 | 読書日記
評伝 小室直樹(上):学問と酒と猫を愛した過激な天才



第一章 柳津国民学校 ―― 征夷大将軍になりたい
第二章 会津中学校 ―― 敗戦、ケンカ三昧の日々
第三章 会津高校 ―― 俺はノーベル賞をとる
第四章 京都大学 ―― 燃える“ファシスト"小室と“反戦・平和"弁論部
第五章 軍事科学研究会と平泉学派 ―― 烈々たる憂国の真情
第六章 大阪大学大学院経済学研究科 ―― 日本伏龍 小室直樹
第七章 米国留学、栄光と挫折 ―― サムエルソンを成敗する!
第八章 東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科――社会科学の方法論的統合をめざして
第九章 田無寮 ―― 学問と酒と猫と
第一〇章 社会指標の研究 ―― 福祉水準をどう測定するか
第一一章 小室ゼミの誕生と発展 ―― 君は頭がいいなぁ、素晴らしい!
第一二章 一般評論へ ―― 日本一の頭脳、四四歳、独身、六畳一間暮らし
第一三章 小室ゼミの拡大 ―― 橋爪大三郎の奮闘
第一四章 瀕死の小室 ―― すべては良い論文を書くために
第一五章 出生の謎 ―― 父はマルクス、母はフロイト

あとがき 小室直樹試論 ―― なぜ小室直樹はソ連崩壊を預言できたか




Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/05)

2019年01月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
22806.numb((寒さで)かじかんだ、凍えた、かじかんで、(悲しみ・疲労などで)まひした、無感覚になった、まひして)a part of your body that is numb is unable to feel anything, for example because you are very cold
My finger are getting numb with cold.
22807.freezing(凍る(ような)、非常に寒い、凍りつくほど、こごえるほど、冷淡な、よそよそしい、ぞっとするような)extremely cold
Can you get my coat? I'm freezing.
22808.freezing point(氷点)
The snow may crust at night, due to outward radiation, even thought the air temperature remains well above freezing point.
22809.frosty(霜の降りる、凍る寒さの、霜の降りた、半白の、霜白の、温かみのない、冷ややかな、冷淡な)extremely cold
It's been frosty in the morning for the last few days.
22810.shiver((恐怖・寒さで)震える、(ぶるぶる)震える、おののく、震え、身震い、おののき、寒け)extremely cold
It's so cold. my whole body is shivering.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/04)

2019年01月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
22801.pool(水たまり)a small area of still water in a hollow place
I found a pool of oil under my car
22802.scale(鱗)one of the small flat pieces of skin that cover the bodies of fish, snakes etc
This fish has beautiful rainbow colored scales.
22803.plain(平野)a large area of flat dry land
The Kanto Plain is the largest plain in Japan.
22804.basin(盆地) a place where the Earth’s surface is lower than in other areas
Kyoto is located in a basin.
22805.sprout(芽、新芽)if vegetables, seeds, or plants sprout, they start to grow, producing shoots, buds, or leaves
I found a tiny sprout from one of the seeds

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/03)

2019年01月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
22796.persistent(粘り強い / しつこい) continuing to do something, although this is difficult, or other people warn you not to do it
She was being so persistent it was driving me crazy.
22797.pushy(しつこい / 厚かましい)someone who is pushy does everything they can to get what they want from other people – used to show disapproval
The sales person was so pushy.
22798.keep that date open(その日は空けておいて)
We're planning on having a meeting from 3pm.-5pm. Please keep that date open.
22799.save the date(その日は空けておいて)
Save the date! Our annual golf tournament is on May 13th.
22800.take the day off(仕事を休む)
Can I take the day off? I'm feeling a bit under the weather.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News



2019年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary

You might already know this, but Japan has unwritten rules on how to ride escalators. Most people stand on one side and leave the other side open for those in a rush. But a campaign is now underway in Tokyo Station to change that idea in the name of safety.

(Railway staff)
"Do not walk on the escalator, stand in two lines."

The Tokyo office of East Japan Railway, or JR East, started the promotion on Monday at one of the capital's busiest transport hubs. About 1,500 escalator incidents were reported in Japan in 2013 and 2014.
During the campaign, workers are asking passengers to stand still on escalators. The goal is to prevent falls and make escalator use more efficient. Signs and messages on floors, walls, and handrails, instruct commuters on the new rules.
Officials hope that all passengers will embrace the new safety rules by the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

transport hub交通拠点

Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/02)

2019年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
22791.sushi roll(巻きずし)a reduction in the usual price of something
Kodama, a Japanese restaurant in Manhattan, New York, created these new sushi rolls.
22792.focus on(~は … に焦点を合わせる、注目して;力を入れて;焦点をあてる)
Focus on speed more than the quality.
22793.Who do you think you are?(あなた何様のつもり)
Who do you think you are?
22794.unpredictable(予報できない、何をしでかすか予測できない、気まぐれな) changing a lot so it is impossible to know what will happenfont
The prospects of Japan's economy are unpredictable.
22795.hot chocolate(ココア)a hot drink made with chocolate powder and milk or water
I'm on a diet, so I'ii just have some hot chocolate with you.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News



2019年01月01日 | 論語を読む




Zi Xia said, "Craftsmen work at their studios. Gentlemen accomplish their way by learning."

全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。

Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/01)

2019年01月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
22786.gift-wrapping(ギフト包装、ギフト包装、プレゼント包装)to wrap something as a present for somebody, especially in a shop/store
The store offers a gift-wrapping service.
22787.live from hand to mouth(その日暮らしをする、かつかつの生活を送る)to have only just enough money to buy food
We lived from hand to mouth, never knowing where the next meal was coming from.
22788.Lose one's touch(下手になる)
I know you didn’t win today, but you haven’t lost your touch. You’re just having a bad day.
22789.in the long run(長い目で見れば)long-term
Hard work will pay off in the long run.
22790.in the short run(目先だけで考える)short-term
That'll be OK in the short run, but we have to eventually figure out a long term solution.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
