


2020年04月22日 | 爺英語

The pandemic is forcing many people in Japan to work from home. And this has sent sales of home office equipment soaring.
Major electronics retailer Bic Camera in Tokyo says webcam sales have jumped four-fold and headsets have been selling more than twice as well compared to last year.
Printers are also in high demand.
(Store clerk)
"We expect people to continue to work from home for a while. So we'll make an effort to meet demand and respond to our customers' needs."
Major home improvement chain Shimachu launched a website specializing in work-from-home furniture last month.
The company says computer desks and office chairs have been especially popular, with sales more than doubling from last year.

soar 急上昇する、急増する     to increase quickly to a high level 
doubling 倍増、倍加     

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/22)

2020年04月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
25221.jugular vein. (頸静脈 ) the large vein in your neck that takes blood from your head back to your heart 
The jugular vein can be accurately located.
25222.be extracted from(~抽出される)
That's where the blood will be extracted from.
25223.be sedated(鎮静剤を与えられる)calm, serious, and formal 
Is the dog sedated?
25224.be disqualified(不適格とされる) to stop someone from taking part in an activity because they have broken a rule SYN ban 
Akitas are usually disqualified unfortunately, due to the nature of their red blood cells.
25225.free of(〜が存在しない)  
Delivery is free of charge.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第四十四段

2020年04月21日 | 徒然草を読む








Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/21)

2020年04月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
25216.fall short(不足する)to be less than the amount or standard that is needed or that you want 
The supply of blood often falls short 
25217.Life-saving surgery(救命手術)life-saving medical treatments or equipment are used to help save people’s lives 
He needs life-saving surgery.
25218.excessive(過度の、法外な)much more than is reasonable or necessary 
That sounds a bit excessive, for lack of a better word.
25219.get back to(戻る)to return to a place 
Getting back to blood donation, can any dog or cat donate blood..
25220.flinch (ひるむ、たじろぐ、身を引く、しりごみする) to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in pain, frightened, or upset   
He is not such a man as to flinch from danger. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/20)

2020年04月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
25211.blood transfusion  the process of putting blood into someone’s body as a medical treatment 
If your cat or dog has an accident and needs surgery, a blood transfusion may be necessary.
25212.be thrilled(感激する)
 I was  thrilled when I heard that.
Admission by invitation. 
25214.universal(普遍的な) involving everyone in the world or in a particular group 
Something shared by all members of a certain group is universal.
They seem to have universal blood type, similar to O-negative in human.

 in human. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/19)

2020年04月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
25206.chew someone out (~を厳しく叱る )
She chewed him out for driving drunk.
25207.lecture someone(~を説教する)
I got lectured by my parents last night.
25208.canine(イヌ科の、犬のような)relating to dogs 
He can’t be a donor dog like some of his canine friend in the area.
25209.plasma(血漿、リンパ漿) the yellowish liquid part of blood that contains the blood cells 
There are blood and plasma donation programs for dogs and cats
25210.top dog(最重要人物、最高権威者、ボス)  the person who has the most power in a group, especially after a struggle 
Well、Let's say Akita's still top dog whenever he goes.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

池上彰の 未来を拓く君たちへ

2020年04月18日 | 読書日記


「最近は論文しか読んでいないんです……」 「大学を出てからも勉強したい」

日本経済新聞の朝刊・電子版の連載コラム「池上彰の大岡山通信 若者たちへ」の書籍化第4弾。
◆著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)◆



Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/18)

2020年04月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
25201.centipede a small creature like a worm with a lot of very small legs 
And having bites on my face from a very large centipede.
25202.I'll show you around.(〜を案内する)
My friends are visiting from L.A. I'm going to show them around Tokyo this weekend.
25203.I'll give you a tour.(〜を案内する)
I've never been to Tokyo before. Could you give me a tour?
25204.get mad at someone (~を叱る)
I got mad at my son for lying.
25205.yell at someone (〜を怒鳴りつける)  
I got yelled at by my wife for coming home late. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/17)

2020年04月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
25196.syringe(注射器、洗浄器、スポイト、かん腸器)an He says it's vital that drug users have access to supplies of clean syringes. 
 He says it's vital that drug users have access to supplies of clean syringes.  
25197.intermittent stopping and starting often and for short periods SYN sporadic 
The weather forecast is for sun, with intermittent showers.
25198.trip ((短めの)旅行)a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose 
I'm going on a field trip  trip next week
25199.travel((一般的に)旅行する) to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away 
We are going to travel to Southeast Asia for a few months.
25200.journey((長い)旅)  especially British English an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially over a long distance SYN trip American English 
Life is a journey. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/16)

2020年04月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
25191.cut short(切り上げる)
Yeah, but my business trip was cut short because of the coronavirus.
25192.well organized(人が几帳面な)arranged or ordered well 
I'You are very well organized
25193.introvert(内向的な)someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people OPP extrovert 
I'm an introvert、while my brother is an extrovert.
25194.discounted price (割引価格) a price which is particularly cheap, or lower than the normal price 
Excuse me, is this the discounted price?
 Putting on her stethoscope, she sounded his heart very carefully, then lifted his lips and looked at his gums. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年04月15日 | 爺英語

An iconic Japanese comedian has died after contracting the new coronavirus. Shimura Ken was being treated for pneumonia after testing positive.

The 70-year-old passed away on Sunday at a Tokyo hospital. His office says he was hospitalized after complaining of fatigue.

Shimura rose to stardom in the 1970s, when he joined the hugely popular comedy group called The Drifters.
The group performed live on TV every week. Shimura later hosted a number of shows bearing his name .

Shimura is also well known in Taiwan among people in their late 30s and older who grew up watching his TV shows.
He is said to have influenced comedians in Taiwan.

Taiwan's president expressed her condolences.
In a tweet written in Japanese, Tsai Ing-wen thanked Shimura for bringing laughter and vitality to the people of Taiwan.

iconic 象徴的な、代表的な     admired as one of the best and most important 
contract 感染する     admired as one of the best and most important 
pneumonia 肺炎     admired as one of the best and most important 
test positive  陽性反応     admired as one of the best and most important 
complain of  ~を訴える     admired as one of the best and most important 
rise to stardom  スターの座にのし上がる      admired as one of the best and most important 
bear one's name ~の名を冠する      admired as one of the best and most important 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/04/15)

2020年04月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
25186.risk-taker(リスクを負う人)when people do things that involve risks in order to achieve something 
I’m definitely not a risk-taker. I play everything safe.  
25187.caretaker(世話人) American English someone who looks after other people, especially a teacher, parent, nurse etc SYN carer British English 
Who takes care of them? Do you have a caretaker?
I’ll be the note-taker for today’s meeting
25189.with age(寄る年波に)a substance which provides your body with energy and is found in foods such as grain, rice, and potatoes, or a food that contains this substance 類義語 carbohydrate   
I used to be a risk-taker when I was young but I'm becoming more conservative with age 
25190.down to the wire(最後の一瞬まで ) informal especially American English to be finished or achieved with very little time left  
Yeah, it was such an exciting game. It came down to the wire!  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News