English article follows Japanese one.(*^^*ゞ
麗子さんと末光さんのアコースティックライブvol.4から1年がたってしまいましたね…。( ^ω^ )
そして本日8月28日は、少女隊デビュー35周年記念日です♪ *。・+(人*´∀`)+・。*
おめでとうございます! ♪( ´∀`)人(´∀` )♪
もう、孫の代までのファン層も増えてきてるかしら?w ( *´艸`)
Hi fans! How are you doing?
It’s already been a year since the acoustic live vol.4 by Reiko and Mr. Suemitsu...
And today, August 28th is the 35th ANNIVERSARY of the Shohjo-tai debut ♫
I guess there are some grandchild generation fans have been made somewhere, today.
We couldn’t get together to celebrate this day but I believe that the chance will be here soon, to get together and have their anniversary party.
I know that Shohjo-tai members are busy, we can’t see them... BUT I’m okay. Because I love Shohjo-tai, and l’m enjoying drawing event plans, to support them with fans.