English article follows Japanese one. (*^^*ゞ
2017年もあとわずかですが、楽しい1年だったでしょうか?(* ´ ▽ ` *)
今年は、麗子さんのライブで少女隊の曲を聴いたり、朗読劇に行ったり、ミホさんの雑貨屋さんに行ったり、チーコさんの床屋さんに行ったり、トモさんには麗子さんのライブでチョコッとお見かけしてと、充実した1年になりました♪♪( ´∀`)人(´∀` )♪
来年も、これでもかっ!ってくらい、少女隊三昧出来る1年になったらいいな~♪( *´艸`)
海外ファンとも交流をさらに増やして楽しめたらと思ってますので、コメント、メッセージお待ちしております!( v^-゜)♪
来年も、引き続き宜しくお願い致します。m(_ _)m
Hello everyone ヽ(^○^)ノ
Year 2017 will end soon. So, how was this year?(* ´ ▽ ` *)
For me, enjoyed Shohjo-tai songs in Reiko’s live show, went to warm the recitation play, went to the store Miho belong to for shopping, at Chiiko’s barber talked various things, Tomo is the one I just ‘See’ at Reiko’s show though. Anyway, year 2017 was a fulfilled one for me. ♪♪( ´∀`)人(´∀` )♪
And so, unusually, we held no event with Shohjo-tai members in 2017. Now I’m considering to have something 2018. (*^^*ゞ
Reiko announced her 3rd live show in 2018, March 23rd (Fri) at her blog. I’m more than happy if I can go to join the mood there again. ♪ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪
January 11th 3PM seat reservation will start. I won’t forget !o(・ω・o)
Oh, my year 2018, I hope it to be a Full of Shohjo-tai year ♪( *´艸`)
And fans overseas, we want to be your friend and enjoy chatting, messaging, face to face communication. Please leave your comments here. You are always welcome !( v^-゜)♪
Thank you very much again for your words year 2017 and let’s have fun together the year 2018 also m(_ _)m
I wish all you A Happy New Year!(*´∀`*)
2017年もあとわずかですが、楽しい1年だったでしょうか?(* ´ ▽ ` *)
今年は、麗子さんのライブで少女隊の曲を聴いたり、朗読劇に行ったり、ミホさんの雑貨屋さんに行ったり、チーコさんの床屋さんに行ったり、トモさんには麗子さんのライブでチョコッとお見かけしてと、充実した1年になりました♪♪( ´∀`)人(´∀` )♪
来年も、これでもかっ!ってくらい、少女隊三昧出来る1年になったらいいな~♪( *´艸`)
海外ファンとも交流をさらに増やして楽しめたらと思ってますので、コメント、メッセージお待ちしております!( v^-゜)♪
来年も、引き続き宜しくお願い致します。m(_ _)m
Hello everyone ヽ(^○^)ノ
Year 2017 will end soon. So, how was this year?(* ´ ▽ ` *)
For me, enjoyed Shohjo-tai songs in Reiko’s live show, went to warm the recitation play, went to the store Miho belong to for shopping, at Chiiko’s barber talked various things, Tomo is the one I just ‘See’ at Reiko’s show though. Anyway, year 2017 was a fulfilled one for me. ♪♪( ´∀`)人(´∀` )♪
And so, unusually, we held no event with Shohjo-tai members in 2017. Now I’m considering to have something 2018. (*^^*ゞ
Reiko announced her 3rd live show in 2018, March 23rd (Fri) at her blog. I’m more than happy if I can go to join the mood there again. ♪ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪
January 11th 3PM seat reservation will start. I won’t forget !o(・ω・o)
Oh, my year 2018, I hope it to be a Full of Shohjo-tai year ♪( *´艸`)
And fans overseas, we want to be your friend and enjoy chatting, messaging, face to face communication. Please leave your comments here. You are always welcome !( v^-゜)♪
Thank you very much again for your words year 2017 and let’s have fun together the year 2018 also m(_ _)m
I wish all you A Happy New Year!(*´∀`*)
Tokyo is cold and Snowing today❄️
All Japanese friends should pay attention
to keep warm
At the March of Reiko’s live show,
I hope to bring more HK fans to support
If I am confirm I will tell you later😄
There are three months waiting,is very
long time🤣🤣
Hong Kong, New Year comes a little earlier than Japan ♪ ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪
This year is also good. (*^^*ゞ
Since it was snowed yesterday, I was impatient, but as it was only a little snow did not pile up.(^∀^;)
I can hardly wait until Reiko's concert in March.*。・+(人*´∀`)+・。*
What kind of songs will you sing this time?(。uωu)♪
The Chinese New Year is in the middle of February!(*´∀`*)
By the way, I have seen you celebrating firecrackers and lion dancing at that time in Chinatown in Yokohama.ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪
China in the Authentic place is even more exciting!*。・+(人*´∀`)+・。*
If you listen to Eric's favorite "Pink towel" again, will you cry?(;ω;)
『A pink towel』
The feeling of distance with him is a song of feelings of a woman becoming uneasy. Privately, it is an image of the end of the summer.(*^-^)
Even if it is a bright pop song, I will cry with the feeling that Reiko's sang a song I like, rather than song lyrics.f(^_^)
彼との距離感が不安になってきた女性の気持ちの歌です。 私的には夏の終わりかけの夜のイメージです。 (*^-^)
Happy new year.ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪
China and Asia are celebrating the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)!
Did you have a fun and enjoyable New Year's break?
Have you been fond of being overwhelmed by the loveliness of Reiko's air gun in the music video of "Pink Towel"?( *´艸`)
「ピンクのタオル」のミュージックビデオの、麗子さんのエア銃の可愛さに打ちのめされて好きになっちゃったのかな?( *´艸`)