

Real Dwarfs! Nudist Elf & Naked Fairies & Nymph in Shrine, Parallel universe!

2013-10-24 14:40:35 | 妖精や精霊

It is an occurrence in the Shrine of Koyasan which is world heritage!

Amazing Fairies! Nudist Elf & Naked Dwarfs & Nymph in Shrine, The divine spirit & Ghosts of the parallel universe!


Man and woman's with a height of about 20 cm fairies & Nymph have gathered.


All the members seem to be nakedness.

Is it among the party, discussing some?


One person of a Elfin is looking into the camera.

And it is seeing here...

And a stone cave appears in a wooden skin in the first half of video.
It resembles the thing in Dunhuang or Bamiyan.

A small divine spirit is in it.

The half figure of a Kannon image appears next to it.

The faces and figures of spirits & Ghosts appear on others.

They have made the pose which was truly conscious of the camera.

Someone of these may be a historical person!

Furthermore, also in the second half, since several men and women's face is reflected, there is likely to be possibility of the same incarnation as the divine spirit(Fairies) of the middle stage!

As for no movies reproduced from three angles, the fearfulness like a supernatural creature( or a ghost or a demon) is felt.

It seems that it has appeared by using skillfully rather the substance in this world where whose divine spirit which lives in another dimension.

For example, the world like Heaven.




2013-10-24 14:34:24 | 妖精や精霊




















また 撮影後は、






2013-10-20 18:29:22 | エイリアン


《 異世界の住人達と超常現象 》

(YouTube)  ◎ 速すぎる時は一時停止してネ。










《 並行宇宙と異次元のエイリアン 》 

(YouTube)  ◎ 速すぎる時は一時停止してネ。

1. 戒厳令の猿の惑星(ビデオ1とダブってますww)

2. 異世界のスヌーピー戦車

3. ツートンカラー世界の妖精

4. オーパーツ、

5. 時間をコントロールするオバタリアン











また 撮影後は、





Supernatural phenomenon in the parallel universe and the alien!

2013-10-20 18:25:45 | エイリアン

<<The residents and supernatural phenomenon in the different world>>

1. Gorilla Star People of Martial Law
2. Car Which Characters of Anime Drive
3. Naked Fairy like a Dwarf
4. Hippo Star People's Couple (Relations are Merit That's Right)
5. UFO Which Appeared in Tokyo Tower
6. Blue Dragon Car Which Pushy Middle-aged Woman Manipulates
7. The Soul like Michael Jackson

The residents and supernatural phenomenon in the different world
( YouTube --- the time of being too quick -- stopping.)

<<The alien of the parallel universe and a different dimension>>

1.  Planet of the Apes of Martial Law (Doubled with Video 1)
2.  SNOOPY Tank in Different World
3.  Fairy in Two-tone Coloring World
4.  Ooparts,
5.  Pushy Middle-aged Woman Who Controls Time

The alien of the parallel universe and a different dimension
( YouTube --- the time of being too quick -- stopping.)


These movies are the videos for the YouTube channel introduction for about 30 seconds.

Since the total number of times of reproduction is 1 million times luckily,

It created, although it was slightly troublesome.

The movie of the parallel universe, gravity and UFO or Alien craft or Mythical Creature.

PSI and Chi kung, the mystery of free energy, Time travel and application.

Various parascience phenomena, such as time travel from the parallel universe and an alternate world.

Paranormal existence of Divine spirits, Elfin, Fairies, Demons, Auspicious animals, The sprite, ghosts, Supernatural creature, etc. is seen.

In that case, a religious and ambiguous expression is eliminated as much as possible, and is told.

What is true happiness for a person?

This is the album which stored the movie photoed with the super-consciousness object "KEHIKI" which creates a new cosmic law rule!

There are no trick shots, such as extra's participation and digital processing, in all the movies and still pictures which were contributed to this channel.


Scary ghosts! Adolf Hitler's demon & NBC suit's group. Nazis Prophesy, Prediction in Shrine!

2013-10-15 18:43:38 | 未来のビジョン


Adolf Hitler's demon & NBC suit's group. Nazis Prophesy, Prediction in Shrine, Temple!


The scene which the ghost which wore the military uniform of Nazi Germany is hugging with the sweetheart appears.
The military man is growing the mustache and looks like Adolf Hitler!

On the right-hand side, the workers who wore the protective garment are doing something...
Is it prediction of a chemical weapon?
Or prophesy of a nuclear power plant disaster?
Anyway, it is a fearful spectacle!

It is known that Adolf Hitler who is an occultist was well versed in esoteric Buddhism.
Therefore, it may have suggested relevance with Koyasan.

The head of the person of the protective garment changes to the helmet for tunnel work after a while.

Furthermore, if an angle is changed, the soul and the ghost which carried out the figure of people of old Japan can be seen.
Moreover, if a view is made small and seen to a slight degree, several people of a black suit figure are seen!

Thus, various times intermingle and are reflected exceeding space-time in supernatural phenomenon.

In addition, the unnatural phenomenon by divine spirits or soul or fairies happens!
An upper-half-of-the-body image like the supernatural creature who came from hell which was wearing the military-policeman cap (Japan's now-defunct Army) containing a crest appears using leaves and a branch well.

Moreover, the skin of the tree of a sacred tree forms the shining body of will-o'-the-wisp or a dragon (Ryujin).

And on the following scene, the colony of a primitive country solidifies like a miniature garden, and it is visible!