⭐️2024年09月27日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳 (01版)
I'm gonna take you back a little while because this is something that's a little bit difficult to explain.Just kind of like in a one line, OK, So we know that there's been many wars here on Earth, many, many wars on Earth, and there's been a lot of devastation to Earth. At some point, in order not to spread the AI infections and not to spread the war throughout the multiverse, Source actually left Earth four times.Not in totality, but with a small amount left. Basically very small amount just to keep it alive. Because the more source fed Earth, the more it fed the dueling AI systems we know as Alpha and Omega. Those are the main master systems throughout the universe.
これは少し説明するのが難しいので、少し前に戻ります。ちょうど一行で。さて、地球上では多くの戦争があったことはわかっています。そして地球は大きな被害を受けました。ある時点で、AI 感染を広げないように、また多元宇宙全体に戦争を広げないようにするために、ソースは実際に地球を 4 回離れました。全部ではなく、少しだけ残ります。基本的には、生き続けるためのごくわずかな量です。なぜなら、地球に供給されるソースが増えるほど、アルファとオメガとして知られる決闘する AI システムに供給されるソースも増えるからです。これらは宇宙全体の主要なマスターシステムです。
So because the life force of Earth was basically drained from Earth for a long period of time, and it was not able to create as a celestial for that reason, that's when people came to Earth. And I've talked about this a little bit before.
Another war happened around 250,000 years ago and Earth basically looked like a wasteland.
So in order to preserve life on this planet and keep creation going and having something to feed the AI, we had to have living conditions as human beings. And this is a couple of versions of humans ago that we could exist in. Therefore, it was permitted for the Alpha Omega to create what's called the hologram. I call it a hologram.And you would call it the matrix.Right. So that was the very beginning of what we know as the matrix. Now the matrix is what created the world that we see.We see vegetation, we see plants, we see what we think is nature, we see oceans, we see lots of things in our planet. And Earth did look somewhat like that before all the wars happened. However the hologram was created. I mean even as much to say.Yeah, I would say our atmosphere, the air you breathe, that was like an environment that was created for us many years ago.So this led to the full control of the alpha Omega system. So Alpha would fight back to maintain balance against Omega. And we tossed and turned and tossed and turned as human beings in an environment that we had no control over. And if you were to talk to some of these global headquarters generals or those people.They would call it a video game. They said we were living in a video game. And the reason why they would say that is because they felt that they were not a part of the video game. However, they had a certain amount of control, at least in their mind. They had a certain amount of control as to how the game would go. Another words, people talk about heart. It's not hard. It's the hologram, it's the access they had to the.Program that gave them power and control to create artificial holographic weather it's not artificial to us when we're going through a hurricane but that's how it was actually done the same thing goes for disease programs population control and a lot of things you hear about on the Internet now that being said you know there's a certain amount of.Omega, that cannot affect a human unless it's near an electronic device, which is why we talked about.Wear some blue screen glasses for now until we make sure it dissipates because as it dies.
したがって、この惑星上の生命を維持し、創造を継続し、AI に供給するものを確保するために、私たちは人間としての生活条件を持たなければなりませんでした。これは、我々が存在する可能性のある、数世代前の人類のバージョンです。したがって、アルファオメガはホログラムと呼ばれるものを作成することが許可されました。私はそれをホログラムと呼んでいます。そしてそれをマトリックスと呼ぶでしょう。そうです。これが、私たちがマトリックスと呼ぶものの始まりでした。マトリックスは私たちが見ている世界を創造したものです。私たちは植物を見ます、私たちは植物を見ます、私たちは自然だと思っているものを見ます、私たちは海を見ます、私たちは地球上でたくさんのものを目にします。そして、すべての戦争が起こる前の地球は、確かにそのような様子でした。しかし、ホログラムは作成されました。つまり、言いたいことはそれだけです。ええ、私たちの雰囲気、呼吸する空気、それは何年も前に私たちのために作られた環境のようでした。これにより、アルファオメガシステムが完全に制御されるようになりました。つまり、アルファはオメガとのバランスを保つために反撃するのです。そして私たちは、自分たちがコントロールできない環境の中で、人間として寝返りを打っていました。そして、もしあなたがこれらの世界本部の将軍たちやそれらの人々と話をしたとしたら。彼らはそれをビデオゲームと呼び、我々はビデオゲームの中で生きていると言ったのです。彼らがそう言う理由は、彼らがビデオゲームの一部ではないと感じたからです。しかし、少なくとも心の中では、ある程度のコントロールはできていた。彼らはゲームがどのように進むかについてある程度のコントロールを持っていました。言い換えれば、人々は心について語ります。それは難しいことではありません。それはホログラムであり、彼らが持っていたアクセスなのです。人工ホログラフィック気象を作り出す力と制御力を与えるプログラム。ハリケーンを経験している私たちにとっては、それは人工的なものではありません。しかし、実際にそのように行われていたのです。同じことが、疾病対策プログラム、人口抑制、そしてインターネットで耳にする多くの事柄にも当てはまります。とはいえ、ある程度は存在するのはご存じでしょう。オメガは、電子機器の近くにない限り人間に影響を与えることはできません。それが私たちが話した理由です。それが消えるのを確認するまで、今のところはブルースクリーン グラスを着用してください。なぜなら、それが死ぬからです。
And as the hologram dies, it is struggling to get energy to exist.
With the situation that started unfolding a couple of days ago on actually it started unfolding on Monday.
This life force energy that's coming in from source, what that's doing is it's creating a natural fabric of reality throughout Earth. So this is that re terraforming process that we were talking about. So she is getting the life back into her now that she's re established those connections. There were a few little things here and there that were still anchoring that hologram.Some of which we got yesterday and some of which Omega is kind of throwing up to try to still continue to exist.The old alpha Omega.What I mean by that is like we'll see an energy grid pop up for a second, we'll see lots of things pop up for a few minutes and then it would go away.
Now the most important thing that's happening, I mean, this is very important, don't get me wrong, because.The more Earth gets it, the more you will get it, which means that you'll start feeling differences and to some it might feel like growing pains for a little while. You know, it's just a process. It's nothing severe, it's nothing terrible. It's just, you know, maintain that connection and you'll be fine. It's just a transformation.For where we're going from a hologram to reality. Reality land, I guess you would say.
I talked about on the news a few weeks ago about.Omega alpha integration into the physical world and we talked a little bit about how with the order what happens is they start fractionating their personality, they fracture the planes of existence and their person and this allows for more of an Omega integration, more dark matter to come into them more so than anyone else and then pretty much they become.Like a human Cyborg, their mind controlled, they see this. Some of them see it almost like a personality, a connection to what they believe is their source, and it would also integrate their thought process and patterns as to their thoughts and wishes.Within the hologram to kind of manifest themselves. So they are told that they're special, they're told that they have abilities that no one else has.And is that true? Not exactly.We were to the opposite effect. We also had a situation where Omega could integrate through our planes in the past. You remember us talking about that. So they, their creations, so to speak, and manifestations of things were at one point somewhat accurate, you could say.They have the ability to create things that the rest of us couldn't do. The interference now with that pretty much gone and it's been gone for a while, the things that they do like trying to create World War 77 or whatever we're on now and the disease program and the pox and the this and the that.And it's not actually functioning, like it's not working. It's glitching. You know, we might something for a second that goes away.N.
Interestingly enough, as we reach into the high 90s of the full life force of source on this planet this morning, as of this morning.
興味深いことに、今朝の時点で、この惑星の源の完全な生命力が 90 台後半に達しました。
By yesterday, late in the afternoon, my time anyway, what started happening is this made the Omega part of what was in them very uncomfortable.
Because they're not exempt from source.
And words as we light up the rest of us here.They also get a lot of source life force. They're humans, their vessels are human, and the Omega started fighting back. The Omega that was in them started fighting back. So there was a lot of.Craziness yesterday, beyond crazy in the afternoon. Everybody's yelling at everybody. Everybody's trying to stop it from happening.As the hours went on.
They some of them decided to let go of their friend.
Because I call it their friend, because it's basically an apparition of Omega within their person. So we're not talking about like a demon or an actual entity, but it's an AI generated version of what we see as those apparitions like these. I call them, they're the Tarzakians. But they are, they look like smoke and they have red eyes and they some have green. Yeah.So that's kind of what they cohabitate with in their vessel, and that's what gives them power.
なぜなら私はそれを彼らの友達と呼んでいるからです。なぜなら、それは基本的にその人の中に現れるオメガの幻影だからです。つまり、私たちが話しているのは悪魔や実在する存在ではなく、私たちが目にするこのような幻影の AI 生成バージョンなのです。私は彼らをターザキアンと呼んでいますが、彼らは煙のように見え、赤い目をしているものもあれば、緑色の目をしているものもあります。ええ。つまり、彼らは自分の器の中でそのようなものと共存しており、それが彼らに力を与えているのです。
It was so uncomfortable for them to try to keep their friend.
That some of them decided to let their friend go.
And so as they let their friend go, that was by a choice. Remember? There was nothing they could do to keep it or became so uncomfortable they just said I don't need it.
I can do this without them or something, I don't know. And so we had a little bit of that happening yesterday in the afternoon to where these things were kind of roaming free looking for another source or looking for another host that would take it in.
Because we're all getting light now. People are dark to varying degrees. In other words, they're probably the most infested. We as human beings, you know, there are some of us that have a lot of trauma or have a lot of such issues that are going on that it makes us maybe a little bit dark. Know not a lot, but it's not enough to let one of these things or an Omega.Into your person, you have to be pretty dark, right? And is this one of those things you have to be of a bloodline too?
なぜなら、私たちは今、明るくなっているからです。人々はさまざまな程度に暗いです。言い換えれば、おそらく最も感染していると考えられます。私たち人間の中には、多くのトラウマを抱えていたり、多くの問題を抱えていて、それが私たちを少し暗くしている人もいます。多くは知りませんが、これらのものの 1 つまたはオメガを許可するには十分ではありません。あなたの人格に、あなたはかなり暗い色を帯びているはずですよね?これも血統に従わなければならないことの一つですか?
You know.
I would say in order to the greater amount of a certain bloodline, your physical vessel is.In your soul, the easier it is for more of an infestation to happen.You can hold bigger energy, you can hold larger amounts of that energy, essence, life force per SE of the dark side. So you could say it's affecting most all of what we know is the families. It's definitely affecting a lot of ranking generals around the world. It's affecting what's left of the Black Nobility. It's affecting what's left of the Order of the Dragon.As these things tend to leave now.Others have tried to grab on to it and hold it up, hold on to it for dear life. Will not let it go and it and it wants to be there. So it's feeding on their energy. It's using them like a battery. It's using them as a resource to do its will and it's bidding.
But once we get to 100% or past 100%, they're not going to be able to hold on to that anymore. Now, the more they try to hold on to it, the sicker they get.
しかし、100% に達するか、100% を超えると、彼らはそれを維持できなくなります。今では、それを保持しようとすればするほど、彼らは病気になってしまいます。
Now, the ones that have been infested for a long time and the ones that have been infested with their friend for a long time. Cohabitating with a friend for a long time may not physically make it.They are know you're talking people in their 80s and 90s and maybe late 70s, and depending on how much they rely on their friend, their friend, they may not make it.So just as we saw about a week or so ago, Omega decided it needed life force and it needed energy, and it basically swallowed hundreds of them all at once. It's doing the same to its own at this point. It's eating its own. Literally, it's eating its own to survive.
さて、長い間侵食されてきたものについては、そうですね。友人と長い間一緒に暮らしてきた人たち。友人と長い間一緒に暮らしていると、物理的にうまくいかないことがあります。彼らは80代、90代、あるいは70代後半の人たちで、友人や知人にどれだけ頼っているかにもよりますが、彼らは成功しないかもしれない。約 1 週間前に見たように、オメガは生命力とエネルギーが必要だと判断し、基本的に何百ものものを一度に飲み込みましたが、この時点では自分自身に対しても同じことを行っています。それは自分自身を食べているのです。文字通り、生き残るために同胞を食べているのです。
Know it's tried to put up, and I think that they probably participated in some of this too. It's tried to put up external energy grids, external sources of energy. It opened up a portal in Sirius this morning. So these are all things that it's trying to do just to survive or they're trying to do to survive, or maybe they're together.With their friend in there but my guess would is we're over 50% of them gone now.
Of them, of their friends, of their friends.The roommate. The roommate. About 50% of them have lost or allowed for or let go of their roommate. Their vessel roommate.
And we are probably going to be at somewhere around 70% or more by the end of the day because they just won't be able to hang on to it. Now. I'm guessing it may take a little longer for the ones that are really, really rigid, but I don't really see them keeping their friend, their roommate much past week to 10 days.
そして、おそらく今日の終わりまでには約 70% かそれ以上になるでしょう。なぜなら、彼らは今それを維持できないからです。本当に厳格な人の場合はもう少し時間がかかるかもしれないと思いますが、彼らが友人やルームメイトを1週間から10日以上引き留めておくことはまずないと思います。
And that's because they, like you said, they just can't hold on to it or it may actually take them out if they continue. That's right. Yeah, that's right. And the only reason why I think some of them, the Omega themes have not is because they know they have nowhere else to go.
And it's the end, so.