


2012-10-15 19:46:42 | 日記

hmmm Gk kerasa dah hampir 1 tahun aku tidak menulis disini... :)

Hari ini aku hanya share tentang... hmmm ya tentang 1 kata yaitu Syukur...

gk tau knp... hari ini aku merasa klo aku kurang dan sangat kurang untuk bersyukur..

banyak rejeki dan kesempatan yang aku dapat... dan of course aku dah bersyukur...

tetapi tetap aja aku merasa kurang dalam bersyukur...


To be continue....


スラバヤ Surabaya Soerabaja

2011-10-03 16:35:44 | 日記

Surabaya (pronounced [sura baja]) (formerly Soerabaia or Surabaja) is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million (5.6 million in the metropolitan area), and the capital of the province of East Java. It is located on the northern shore of eastern Java at the mouth of the Mas River and along the edge of the Madura Strait.
Surabaya is locally believed to derive its name from the words sura or suro (shark) and baya or boyo (crocodile), two creatures which, in a local myth, fought each other in order to gain the title of "the strongest and most powerful animal" in the area according to a Jayabaya prophecy. This prophecy tells of a fight between a giant white shark and a giant white crocodile. Now the two animals are used as the city's logo, the two facing each other while circling, as depicted in a statue appropriately located near the entrance to the city zoo. This folk etymology, though embraced enthusiastically by city leaders, is unverifiable.
Alternate derivations proliferate: from the Javanese sura ing baya, meaning "bravely facing danger"; or from the use of surya to refer to the sun. Some people consider this Jayabaya prophecy as a great war between Surabaya native people and invaders in 1945, while another story is about two heroes that fought each other in order to be the king of the city. The two heroes were Sura and Baya.

map of surabaya city 1837.

Product of Indonesia

“Janganlah melihat ke masa depan dengan mata buta! Masa yang lampau adalah berguna sekali untuk menjadi kaca bengala dari pada masa yang akan datang.” (Pidato HUT Proklamasi 1966, Soekarno)

Do not look to the future with blind eyes! The past time is useful for the mirror in the future.(Independence day anniversary Speech 1966, Soekarno)


Smart Wheelchair For Better and Easy Life ( Human Factor 3rd Assignment )

2011-09-29 20:42:13 | 日記
Smart wheelchair with brain signal recognize for totally paralyzed persons.

A smart wheelchair, or autonomous wheelchair, typically consists of either a standard powered wheelchair to which a computer and a collection of sensors has been added or a mobile robot base to which a seat has been attached. The typical control system used by smart wheelchairs, based on the use of a joystick,is not suitable for totally paralyzed persons.Millions of people in the world suffer from several diseases (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ― ALS, multiple sclerosis, cerebral paralysis, spinal cord injury) that destroy the neuromuscular channels used by the brain to communicate and control body movements. This calls for the development of a flex-ible system, able to adapt also to the necessity of completely locked-in individuals. So challenging an objective can be achieved by a system able to determine user’s intentions through the analysis of his/her cerebral signals and to transmit this information to an external device, such as a wheelchair. This system is called brain-computer interface(BCI).

There are several methods to acquire the cerebral signals; among them, I choose to consider the electroencephalogram (EEG) because of the advantages that it brings in terms of non invasivity, practicality, safety and low cost. Electroencephalography (EEG) has emerged as a promising way for paralyzed patients to control computers or wheelchairs. But EEG has limited accuracy and can only detect a few different commands.

How incredible would it be for a person who can't move their arms or legs to be able to literally think their way around a room, avoiding obstacles and getting where they want to go with mind-power. A new wheelchair created combines brain messages with artificial intelligence to give hope for independent mobility to paralyzed people.

This is sample design of smart wheelchair using brain messages recognize.

To work the chair, brain signals such as imagining moving your right arm to go right or your left arm to go left, are sent to the chair as commands, and the chair combines the commands with artificial intelligence and data from two webcams installed on its sides to maneuver around things like chairs, tables and other obstacles. Perhaps what is even more amazing, is the user needs only a few hours of training per day over the course of a week to master using the chair.

Thank you for your time to read my article...

Dwi Arman Prasetya

Design The Fool Proof Power Button of Remote Control ( Human Factors Class Assignment 2 )

2011-09-29 01:48:21 | 日記
Design power button for decreasing human error.

We must concern about the shape and the place of power button, because it is very important for human to makes mistakes to press the button. So the purposed to decrease product defects by preventing, evaluating, or design attention to human errors.
Power button can be design with a voice recognize sensor or to turn off and turn on the LCD we can use signal sensor to detect what cable plug in the LCD, if have some cable connect in the LCD, that's sensor will check the signal what of kind of signal, if that's signal is RGB,Video or HDMI signal so LCD will turn on automatically. So if that's cable unplug in the LCD will standby until 1 minute after 1 minute don't have cable again plugin, LCD will turn off automatically and completely.
And also with voice recognize user can say's some word to turn on the LCD, for example say's "LCD ON" and LCD will turn ON automatically and say's "LCD OFF" to turn off the LCD.

So in my design have two way to turn on and turn off the LCD. First is with signal sensor inside the LCD, second with voice recognize sensor in remote control of LCD. that is prototype of my design.

Dwi Arman Prasetya

"Perfect Peeler for Better Life" (Human Factors Class Assignment)

2011-09-28 08:48:50 | 日記

A peeler is a metal blade attached to a wooden, metal or plastic handle that is used to remove the outer skin or peel thus peeling certain vegetables, frequently potatoes, and fruits such as apples, pears, carrot and many more. The second variety more closely resembles a safety razor (sometimes it is called a Y-peeler (due to its shape), Rex peeler, yoke peeler, or speed peeler), with the blade perpendicular to the handle, is used with a similar action to a razor, shaving off skin in strips parallel to the handle. Most speed peelers have an 'eye gouger' beside the blade, a loop of metal used to dig out eyes and blemishes from the potato.
In the stores and many market we will find many models of peeler, one of them is a product from Kyocera. Perfect peelers is Original design from Kyocera,this peeler is very ergonomic, because head of the peeler can rotation vertical and horizontal until 45 degree so make it move easier than ordinary peeler also can use with right or left hand. With ABS resin make peelers handle not easy to slip and blade easy to wash because it is made from ultra-sharp advanced ceramic blade.

Dwi Arman Prasetya