日刊 Daily:東京の広告グラフィック まとめブログZ


6月23日(土)のつぶやき その2:剛力彩芽 ジョア(JR新宿駅内ロッカー横広告)

2012-06-24 03:48:59 | 日記

以下のバナークリックで「東京広告なび まとめサイト」へ

21:00 from HootSuite
世界の屋外広告(Outdoor ad around the world)RT @khalidkhan787: protestors climb a billboard,pull down poster of... twitpic.com/9wubyx

21:30 from HootSuite
世界の屋外広告(Outdoor ad around the world)RT @RichFitSuccess: What are the odds that this mysterious elevator... instagr.am/p/L8JblPNKlc/

22:00 from HootSuite
世界の屋外広告(Outdoor ad around the world)RT @chrisjmrother: super awesome neighborhood billboard. @ silver... instagr.am/p/L6jHgKRWhT/

22:30 from HootSuite
世界の屋外広告(Outdoor ad around the world)RT @amyshearn: I think my explanation of the subway tracks were... instagr.am/p/L75fnRl0z_/

23:00 from HootSuite
世界の屋外広告(Outdoor ad around the world)RT @chrisboehke: Managed to take a photo of the creepy billboard in... instagr.am/p/L6kXaYOr1D/

23:30 from HootSuite
世界の屋外広告(Outdoor ad around the world)RT @amyshearn: ??!!!!!! @ Myeongdong Subway instagr.am/p/L8DOyZugD1/

by art_directter on Twitter
