日刊 Daily:東京の広告グラフィック まとめブログZ


5月10日(日)のつぶやき:伊藤英明 KIRIN淡麗(品川駅ビルボード)**

2015-05-11 05:46:46 | 日記

以下のバナークリックで「東京広告なび まとめサイト」へ

0時なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/HpFLy

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @talica_t: Remember when my mate and I were on a billboard at Piccadilly ... pic.twitter.com/uMbaCJtvXV

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @planetbeth: "That's not my billboard its our billboard"-@BethanyMota ... pic.twitter.com/wVwpoQd1bx

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @ryansongalia: They're taking down the "Do what they say you can't" ... pic.twitter.com/myE6911ryd

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @vkholostenko: In honor of Victory Day new billboard on the Kyiv-Odessa ... pic.twitter.com/PRu1OGVaFs

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @BPStoyle: When a photo you took becomes a freakin' billboard! #buffalo ... pic.twitter.com/VqmAWSXUc2

6時なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/HpJx2

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @derrickSLC: Huge Times Square billboards may be nixed for ‘beautification’ ... pic.twitter.com/vDrG07CsDI

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @carol_holman: People are complaining that this billboard is racist.If it ... pic.twitter.com/93sZnE7f7J

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @KBDPLovers: @imdanielpadilla's MyPhone Rio billboard around Mendiola ??? -? pic.twitter.com/Xkf16tNhQe

正午なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/HpM7s

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @emmajoanmcph: "Democracy requires the engineering of consent" Noam Chomsky ... pic.twitter.com/f0atLIOszk

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @coachlaird: Billboards up on 1-65. Congrats to JJ. Hard work ... pic.twitter.com/4sO6vzifvN

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @Begley_D: Summer is near when the @visitmontana billboards go up in Seattle. pic.twitter.com/REQu8VHBRQ

18時なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/HpOiv

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @ArnaudIpert: You have more power than you think! @POWERADE #workout ... pic.twitter.com/H8wjVjlfKT

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @peterdej: Vette billboards van de nieuwe Mad Max film op Times Square. Die ... pic.twitter.com/RqkF8QN4gu

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @The_News_DIVA: Federal act pressures city to remove oversize #NYC Times ... pic.twitter.com/XAE0xH9mWu

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @Mc_Steez: Just bumped in to a commercial of the fellow angolan ... pic.twitter.com/Y1sKnlqpFQ

時計の針はもうすぐ夜の零時、今日と明日が出会う瞬間です。次回もまた広告グラフィックをつぶやきます。続ける事が成功の秘訣です(アートディレクッター) #artdirection #advertising #media #ad ht.ly/7Ud04
