日刊 Daily:東京の広告グラフィック まとめブログZ


8月23日(土)のつぶやき その1:柴咲コウ ひと足先に、秋をかじって。ハーゲンダッツ(電車ドア横広告)

2014-08-24 05:28:34 | 日記

以下のバナークリックで「東京広告なび まとめサイト」へ

0時なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/cbtAR

You can see the world's billboards now. Quickly & Easily with smartphone. ところで、今週の世界の屋外広告でも見てみる?(スマホだとサックサクよ) art-directter.tumblr.com/archive

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @lennonsghostlfc: Billboard awaiting Southampton fans leaving ... pic.twitter.com/aLRs3PojbH

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @grgjsp: Just found Khal Drogo on a random billboard in ... pic.twitter.com/12DWTvDwZy

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @SammyW_x: This billboard is everywhere ? #LFC pic.twitter.com/jc6ktGaWkM

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @bbbigboy1104: TOP x Reebok billboard at Myeongdong ??? (cr @UNAVIPJ) pic.twitter.com/kGVH0xMGpQ

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @DutchBakerGirl: Whose billboard is that? bit.ly/1m8cP4g ... pic.twitter.com/uzqTovSBcb

6時なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/cbtAR

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @Bilisimci9: sayın @Yusuf__Tekin billboard yaptırdık sesimizi ... pic.twitter.com/JjyfLd8boJ

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @DKinMorocco: Billboard Festival Casablanca 2015 #gender #female #artistspic.twitter.com/GLFsrEfumX

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @haryetMags: @MyJaps' billboard on GMA. ? pic.twitter.com/L5EkXo1t0p

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @ErnestEBradshaw: -NEW PHOTO- @ArianaGrande's Billboard Promo ... pic.twitter.com/I3BNcZdY76

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @porcelaineee: “@BrilliantAdx: McDonald's billboard fail near ... pic.twitter.com/UxXaMNOyw2” ...

12時なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/cbtAR

You can see the world's billboards now. Quickly & Easily with smartphone. ところで、今週の世界の屋外広告でも見てみる?(スマホだとサックサクよ) art-directter.tumblr.com/archive

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @GeminiOccasions: Our new billboard!!! Looks great pic.twitter.com/SRcSBEC06l

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @Sean_Breslin: Interesting billboard near storm damage last ... pic.twitter.com/wfG1dUU7js

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @3xOpod: Dad buys billboard for his Auburn graduate daughter - Wareagle? pic.twitter.com/tlg85IW0XZ

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @maswaditya: Kece! Cc @kdri@ediacw: @maswaditya ini logo buatan ... pic.twitter.com/fxtxvC4JmY

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @LiamLFCButler: Billboard at Liverpool Lime St. Station pic.twitter.com/36f5b8HPev

18時なう。週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Billboards from around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku #billboard ht.ly/cbtAR

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @jeffreymann: @4tea2 this Manhattan billboard speaks directly to you! pic.twitter.com/5wUDQEDKpF

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @workwithpaddy: Paddy Power troll Southampton fans with welcoming ... pic.twitter.com/73eIHafaEn

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @rafdotmass: Future public art in Dorchester: I imagine a colossal ... pic.twitter.com/2574O33ULM

世界の広告(The World's billboards)RT @scbaird: rotating bread billboard backs up into a cemetery: pic.twitter.com/jL2wm3jbGK
