日刊 Daily:東京の広告グラフィック まとめブログZ


2月23日(土)のつぶやき:東京マラソン Tokyo Marathon 2013 2.24 START(電車窓ガラス透過ステッカー広告)

2013-02-24 04:22:31 | 日記

以下のバナークリックで「東京広告なび まとめサイト」へ

週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Outdoor ad around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku ht.ly/cbtAR

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @tyuliss: Shout out to KSU for gettin their football team up on a billboard … instagr.am/p/V9fDaSmiq3/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @liamfitzy91: Billboard right near the emirates the other day, harsh #afc instagr.am/p/V9gkq5FPyW/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @kingkislia: Real Emeli, billboard Emeli #BRITs2013 @ O2 Arena instagr.am/p/V9hEyhlGZk/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @bencapozzi: Driving past a pro Uranium-Mining-Ban billboard designed by … instagr.am/p/V9jIxvGi5o/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @rosegold504: Look up in the sky,its a bird, its a plane. Its a billboard … instagr.am/p/V9nx5IR8L2/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @timbovisser: Look at this little champ on a billboard in Edinburgh ... instagr.am/p/V9oF11gkyY/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @khalidrjones: Celine billboard in Beirut. Who knew? #beirutwhoknew ... instagr.am/p/V9pjhtTfiG/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @sospyda: Dang! Tally got the billboard tho!? #Niice! They ready! #Feb23 ... instagr.am/p/V9tCvyM34G/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @becmanalo: Miss @annecurtissmith! Pabuena-mano naman sa Billboard Queen … instagr.am/p/V9stmyTPMN/

週末は世界の屋外広告をつぶやきます(Outdoor ad around the world)。#artdirection #advertising #media #ad #koukoku ht.ly/cbtAR

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @jason_campbell_: Oh wow, I'm on a billboard. #ThoseGlassesAreNotFake ? instagr.am/p/V908dlnPTc/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @katelynndubow4: They made a billboard for my dad :)) instagr.am/p/V91jzohNhH/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @say_reeli: player of the month billboard instagr.am/p/V94NmVldUi/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @18randomcroft: #love this #billboard #tui #briantamaki #cult ... instagr.am/p/V94DvRruo2/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @kaybean18: That time when you see @donaldppage @vol_photos photo on a … instagr.am/p/V99xPUpeNF/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @spinnergraphics: Going Through Ancient Billboard Designs In ... yfrog.com/ocrcycdmj #Alltel

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @nathanryerye: The wicked #witch watching over the #Toronto #City #Ozinstagr.am/p/V9_lP9Feg-/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @mj_day: Times Square billboard @kateupton #whereiswim. Feels just like ... instagr.am/p/V-AQzyEnhL/

世界の広告(Word Wide Advertising)RT @edzeppelin91: Gun store billboard in Lafayette Indiana. #NRA twitpic.com/c5g5i1 via @TwitPic
