CLAP学園☆MAX heart

My blog which every day calls the experiment for challenges.

Spam storm! What you want meaning unclear. Lol

2014-05-18 22:14:52 | なんか

Thanks for looking at my blog you!

Good morning


translation Japan【Click】


I love give laughter to many people.

Therefore use the excess express and Japan's better jokes.


For example [ate ( man or women )], and put it?

Usually cannot understand.
It is a horrible thing.


But [ate ( man or women )] means fellowship (sex).


By this different interpretation, I discover the interesting phenomenon of the partner.

That is their own experiences 

( It is not my truth, can be misleading )

What you mean
I haven't experienced that.
It is you can find in the convictions of the partners.

For me, it is only a fantasy.

But of course [ate (man or women)] mean's words.

It is to understand the meaning of the current words back and forth through.

Japan is hard, isn't it?

(The words of such me.Primitive man to find useful!…

Here, the title story.

In the category of my brain.

"Human and other mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, reptiles and simply bugs '
This seven basic only.


Gender feelings and thoughts are not.

Of course,during the study more categories.)


So, I cannot understand the selfish temptations.


Like that came,pointless email.

Thank you. Lol

It is this. ↓


Apparently,coupleslivingmedicineseems toooooooo.

At my age, married life and I say!

AHO 2-ChanNeru Guinness class, right? /^q^\



Pictured below is the ranking.


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