"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick..." po.st/Nu9md7 @BrainyQuoteさんから
— CLAPgakuen in MAX (@CLAPgakuen) 2017年5月30日 - 05:08
The @LACoLifeguards
— Tom Hall ☘ (@TomHall) 2017年5月30日 - 05:09
off #Malibu with
the Locals!
🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬
#Dolphins #MemorialDay #MondayMotivation
They asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said Happy. They said I didn't get the assignment, I said they di… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
— Inspire Them... (@Imported_Fun) 2017年5月30日 - 04:59
"@Dr_Blazquez: Lo que nos hace sentir el #deporte : emoción, alegría, respeto, identidad pic.twitter.com/3xzDfNBRKG vía @danielguarnas
— Roy Campos (@RoyCampos) 2017年5月30日 - 02:09
Know what you deserve and be patient. Don't ever settle.
— Life Quotes (@liife_quote) 2017年5月30日 - 04:25
Compassion is a feeling from deep in the heart that you cannot bear someone else's suffering without taking steps to relieve it.
— Dalai Lama (@DaIaiIamaa) 2017年5月30日 - 03:18
Those who hurt us are usually hurting themselves, and their pain may be so strong that they are not even aware they are hurting us. -JM
— Life Quotes (@liife_quote) 2017年5月30日 - 01:39
Learn everything you can...
— Inspire Them... (@Imported_Fun) 2017年5月30日 - 02:29
From anyone you can...
Whenever you can...
There'll come a time when you're glad you di… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Tired of bad habits? Here's how to develop good ones! #healthyhabits #lifestyle #busymom heidinaturally.com/2016/01/31/hab… pic.twitter.com/xrvopm0eFC
— Heidi Naturally (@heidinaturally) 2017年5月29日 - 23:40
Best homeschool #quotes for #moms! #encouragment #homeschoolmom heidinaturally.com/2016/09/23/bes… pic.twitter.com/hcXMpztwfg
— Heidi Naturally (@heidinaturally) 2017年5月30日 - 02:30
Can you pass this third grade science test? a.msn.com/0E/en-us/BBBCW…
— CLAPgakuen in MAX (@CLAPgakuen) 2017年5月30日 - 16:56
Diary:日本の自殺最多№1 and Mc裏チキンフィレオ goo.gl/XQBqoD
— CLAPgakuen in MAX (@CLAPgakuen) 2017年5月30日 - 21:49