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365kimono なきゃつくる料理

You'd never know which kimono looks great on you till you actually put it on! 羽織るまで似合うかわからないのが着物!

2017-06-07 08:03:31 | kimono stylist キモノ・スタイリスト

(English follows)
お似合いはもう1枚のグリーンですね、とお店中のかたにいわれながらも、羽織たい(^^♪ とピンクも羽織らせていただく。でも、画像みると、グリーンよりピンクが馴染みよいようにみえるので、不思議です。そう、着物は羽織り、顔映りみるまで、似合うかどうかは決まりません。平面の着物が立体になると、その体型に乗ると、違う風情が生まれます。ひとそれぞれによって違う形に。そこが着物の柔軟性、かつ面白いところ!
#kimonostylistkaori #365kimono

These are quite rare Yuzen painting artist works, which look like printing but "painting" which are trying to resemble "printing" !!
Anyway! The first moment I saw these 2, I was dying to try the green one, which I was so sure of I'd look good in that. All the shop attendants told me that green one is my color, but I boldly asked to try the pink one, too. Then! after seeing both 2 in the pictures, I might look better in pink!?
Or just my pausing in pink kimono looks somehow being a better "model" to show the kimono well???

You'd never know which kimono looks how on you, until you actually put it on.
 KImono is merely a flat fabric. But when you put it on on your body, the expression of the fabric suddenly changes. It differs by the person with different body size. Isn't this just fun? I believe that this is the most fun part on enjoying kimono!

Need help of a kimono stylist? 
 Contact me: Kaori Ishibashi

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