北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年02月10日 | 日記
22:01 from web
It had been raining early in the morning.
I felt chilly.
Actually I wanted to stay in my bed longer.(haha)
Of course I didn't !
22:05 from web
If I went back to sleep again, what would happen??
I'm sure everybody would overslept. (haha)
22:10 from web
I must confess I'm not an early bird although, I have to get up early and take care of my children.
I know it's my duty !!
22:17 from web
This morning I made a packed-lunch for my son. He had an excursion of his kindergarten. Guess what! He went to a bowling center !!
22:20 from web
Sounds fun, isn't it??
Unfortunately he has something wrong in his knee.
But he seemed to make the most of his time.
22:24 from web
Despite of his pain, he could enjoy bowling with his friends.
I'm sure this excursion will be a good memory.
22:29 from web
On the other hand,speaking of my daughter, marathon-race of her school was put off until 16th Feb because of this weather.
22:32 from web
She is really loved by rain !!
Every time she has something big event, it rains.(haha)
22:39 from web
Tonight my hubby doesn't come back home.
I'm hanging out watching " Hotel Babylon ."
I love to do that.
22:39 from web
Well, that's for now.
Good night !!
23:21 from goo
エレママ グルメ発見! in Singapore #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/6869d778e7e7354ba32f4ba2cd02b8ae
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