臨時ニュース=Lindsay News いつか言ってみたかった

ヤッター 信じられなーい 見つけたー
Wowow I can't believe it I found it~
I was browsing through more cars last night and came across an okay one, and when I went to the dealer homepage, I spotted My Car.
I'm not big on the color, and dark colors are unbearably hot in the Arizona desert, but I figured it was better than black. And the more that I look at it, the nicer the blue looks.
I was bent on buying a Nissan Cube when I got back from Japan, but I had to give up because the used cars aren't cheap enough. I'll think about it next time. But Nissan makes cuter cars than other car makers so I'm really lucky to have found a cheap Nissan!
By the way, my favorite car maker is Daihatsu. They make the cutest cars in the world. I LOVE Daihatsu! But they don't sell cars in America so I cry and give up.
日本人は愛車に名前を付けるかどうか知らないけど、私は必ず付ける。今回のNissan Versa(日産ティーダかな?)の名前はスクーター。なんでかというと、"scoot"という動詞はなんとなく英語で「かわいく走る」というイメージがあるから。
I don't know if Japanese name their cars, but I always do. This time my Nissan Versa's name is Scooter. That's because the verb "scoot" in English has a feeling of moving around in a cute fashion.
My little Scooter (I made her a girl), let's stay healthy, and go really, really far together!