Rockin’ for love by Grandcross 2019-12-30 22:37:00 | music Rockin' for love, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyRockin' for love, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyRockin' for love, a song by Grandcross on Spotify愛のために君をロックする。ロックの調べに乗せて。
ラブフル by Grandcross 2019-12-30 22:32:00 | music ラブフル, a song by Grandcross on Spotifyラブフル, a song by Grandcross on Spotifyラブフル, a song by Grandcross on Spotify君の心を愛で満たしたい。
Carry on the way by Grandcross 2019-12-30 22:26:00 | music Carry on the way, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyCarry on the way, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyCarry on the way, a song by Grandcross on Spotifyその道がまだあるなら、君よ運べ、僕たちの世界を。
Love fighter by Grandcross 2019-12-30 22:22:00 | music Love fighter, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyLove fighter, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyLove fighter, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyLove fighter たとえこの世界が終わっても。
Dreams come true by Grandcross 2019-12-30 22:17:00 | music Dreams come true, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyDreams come true, a song by Grandcross on SpotifyDreams come true, a song by Grandcross on Spotify愛してる、きっと言える、思いが届く。