White Hats to Texas
By Michael Baxter -January 27, 2024
A White Hat convoy carrying crates of rifles and spools of razor wire arrived in Eagle Pass, Texas, Friday afternoon to support the Texas National Guard in its regional border dispute with unlawful federal forces, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
General Eric M. Smith and the White Hat council, he said, approved the rapid deployment as a measured response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that allows federal Border Protection agents to remove concertina wire lain across the Rio Grande to prevent would-be illegals and terrorists from setting foot on Texas soil.
The Court’s 5-4 decision challenges whether Texas has sovereignty to safeguard citizens against the migrant tidal wave crashing against its proverbial shore. Texas Governor Greg Abbot has accused the regime of breaking its compact with Texas because it views every new illegal as a lifelong Democrat, and he has labeled the migration surge an “invasion.”
Although the Court’s ruling grants Border Protection permission to cut down razor wire near Shelby Park, a city-owned public park in the border town of Eagle Pass and an ingress route to the U.S., it does not prevent the Texas National Guard from unspooling fresh wire, which it has done at a record pace. The escalation has sparked several standoffs between the Texas National Guard and what White Hats have called “the Biden cabal’s Gestapo.”
The confrontation has raised the specter of an all-out civil war, with 20 states’ governors pledging to support Gov. Abbott’s refutation of federal law.
According to our source, Gen. Smith’s office spoke with Gov. Abbott immediately following the Court’s deliberate misinterpretation of federal law.
“The general told Gov. Abbott he could muster forces and have trucks ready to roll in 24 hours,” our source said. “Texas has helped us in the past, and we weren’t going to leave Abbott hanging. He said he’d welcome us with open arms.”
Our source wouldn’t enumerate the number of men sent to Texas, but he said the task force includes Marines and U.S. Army Rangers. His mentioning “hundreds of spools of wire,” each 50 feet long, hints at an armada ready to reckon with federal goons if push comes to shove. He said the task force will be embedded in and wear the uniforms of the Texas National Guard to show solidarity.
“Our goal is to gently convince border services to uphold, not violate, their constitutional oath. We hope they will heed that advice. We’re not in this for bloodshed, but we’re not shy about confronting federal forces—a fact we’ve proven time and time again,” our source said.
マイケル・バクスター著 -2024年1月27日