

The Arrest of CIA Deputy Director David Cohen

By Michael Baxter -May 7, 2023


As reported last week, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency David Cohen was one of two detainees thrown overboard en route to Guam for trying to incite a prisoner revolt. What follows is an account of the investigation that led to his arrest.



On April 3, an envelope arrived at 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, Florida, home to the lawfully elected POTUS, Donald J. Trump. It was similar in appearance to the hundreds of innocuous pieces of correspondence that each day arrived at the front gate and got sorted and screened in a guest house that Trump’s security had adapted into a mailroom—piles of hate mail amid scores of fan letters. Packages were screened for explosives, and white mail was tested for contact poison and toxins such as ricin. The screeners ensured no harmful substances escaped their watchful eyes. Hate mail, however, sometimes reached Trump’s desk, and he routinely shredded offensive letters after reading only a single sentence.



However, a specific letter on April 3 caught the president’s eye and warranted a thorough reading. Allegedly authored by Deputy CIA Director Cohen, the document in excruciating detail defined his hatred of President Trump. It was a six-page schizophrenic screed blaming Trump for every woe the United States had faced since World War II. It attacked not only Donald Trump but also his lineage; Cohen wrote that Trump’s father, Fred, was an associate of Aldrich Ames, who in 1994 was arrested by the FBI for selling American secrets to the KGB during the Cold War. Cohen’s words insinuated that Fred Trump, too, had been a Soviet spy. “Like father, like son,” a sentence read. He wrote, “We should take care of [Trump’s son] Barron now, so he can’t follow in your footsteps, or imperil the United States like Eric and Don Jr. have.” The letter closed with, “Don’t think what happened to the traitor General Berger can’t happen to you and yours,” an allusion to the seven days Gen. Berger spent in the hands of CIA kidnappers in January.



Trump had a graphologist scrutinize the longhand prose. He had seen counterfeits and fakes before. In December 2016, following his resounding defeat over Hillary Clinton, his mailbox was inundated with threatening letters from a person purporting to be Barack Hussein Obama. The script so closely mimicked Obama’s that it fooled two handwriting experts, and only under the inspection of a microscope and infrared scanner were the letters ruled forgeries.



In comparing the Cohen letter against publicly available signatures and memos, Trump’s people were 99.97% certain that Cohen had written the aggressive message.



That percentage increased to 100% when President Donald J. Trump had the White Hat partition of the U.S. military authenticate his findings. The pages and envelope were covered with Cohen’s fingerprints, a 12-point match.



At that point, General Eric M. Smith and his council ruled that the illegitimate CIA deputy director was a clear and present threat to Donald Trump and his family. Threatening the president of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making “any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict great bodily harm upon the president of the United States.”



Gen. Smith also suspected that Cohen had orchestrated the abduction of Gen. Berger.



On April 7, Delta Force operators arrested Cohen in Fairfax County, Virginia. Cohen must have felt invulnerable and untouchable, for he had traveled without protection and had made no attempts to alter his route from home to work at the CIA’s headquarters in McClean, Virginia.



And thus, he must have been shocked shitless when Delta Force surrounded his vehicle in the parking lot of CIA headquarters and gave him a military arrest warrant charging him with treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, and threatening POTUS’ life.



“When Delta confronted him with the charge of threatening the president, Cohen said he didn’t know what they were talking about because he was loyal to Joseph Biden and would never, ever, threaten Biden. Delta then told him they meant Trump, and Cohen murmured something like ‘oh, shit, him’ and reached for a pistol under his jacket,” a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.



A Delta Force operator pistol-whipped Cohen with his sidearm, knocking him unconscious.



Cohen was then taken to GITMO, where he stayed until placed aboard the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer headed to Camp Blaz, Guam. Had he not been thrown overboard and minced by the ship’s screws, he would’ve answered before a military tribunal.[end]




マイケル・バクスター 著 -2023年5月7日





今年4月3日、フロリダ州パームビーチの1100 S Ocean Blvd宛てに、合法的に選出された真正大統領、ドナルド・J・トランプ私邸に、1通の封筒が届いた。その封筒は、毎日正門に届く何百通もの無害な手紙と同じような外観で、トランプ邸の警備員がメール保管ルームに仕立てたゲストハウスで仕分けられ、選別されたものだった。小包は爆発物がないか、白い郵便物は接触毒やリシンのような毒物が付着していないか、精密に検査された。厳密に内部まで検査されているので、有害物質が監視の目をすり抜けることはない。しかし、ヘイト中傷メールについては、トランプ氏の机の上に届くこともあり、彼は日常的に不快な手紙をたった一読しただけで、習慣的にシュレッダーにかけていたという。



しかし、4月3日に届いたある異様な手紙が、大統領の本人の目に留まり、熟読を要するものだったのである。CIA副長官コーエンが書いたとされるその通信文書には、トランプ大統領への憎悪が耐え難いほど詳細に定義されていた。中身は要するに、第二次世界大戦以降、米国が直面したあらゆる米国苦難の原因を、トランプのせいに求める6ページに及ぶ統合失調症者らしき悲鳴だったのである。コーエンは、トランプの実の父親であるフレッド・トランプが、冷戦時代にアメリカ合衆国の機密をロシアKGBに売ったとして、1994年にFBIに逮捕されたアルドリッチ・エイムズ氏の仲間であったと、その手紙に書いています。コーエンの書いたこの言葉は、父フレッド・トランプもソ連のスパイであったことを名指しで暗示している。"Like father, like son "という文章があったのだという。彼は手紙に、「今すぐ(トランプの息子)バロンの[面倒]を見るべきだ、そうすればバロンはあなたの跡を継ぐことはできないし、他の息子エリックやドンJr.のように米国を危険にさらすことはできない 」とはっきりと書いている。手紙の最後には、「裏切り者のバーガー将軍に起こったことが、あなたたちにも起こらないとは思わないで」とあり、これは今年1月にバーガー将軍がCIAの誘拐犯の手の中で過ごし誘拐された7日間を暗示して脅迫していいる文章である。












その時点で、エリック・M・スミス将軍と彼の評議会は、違法不正なCIA副長官が、ドナルド・トランプとその家族に対する明確かつ現在発生した脅しであると裁定した。米国大統領を脅すことは、アメリカ合衆国コード・タイトル18、セクション871の連邦重罪なのである。これは、故意に脅迫文を郵送したり、その他の方法で 「米国大統領の命を奪う、誘拐する、または大きな身体的危害を加えるという各種脅迫等」を予告することで、実質的に構成されています。





















『事のはじまりは今年4月3日、フロリダ州パームビーチの1100 S Ocean Blvd宛てに、合法的に選出された真正大統領、ドナルド・J・トランプ私邸に、1通の脅迫文封筒が届いたしきに始まった。













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