7" TFT Touchscreen Resolution800 x 600 pixels,
144 mm x192 mm x14 mm,
Weight516g ,
Colour body 3colors,
OS Android 2.0,
Ebook formats supported
ePub, PDF, HTML, TIF, RTF, CHM, doc., TCR, FB2, FB2.ZIP,
Audio formats supported Mp3,
Video formats supported,
Adobe DRM certification,
Menu languages English and 22 others languages,
Lithium-ion Battery capacity 4 hures,
Battery power 7,4V/1600mAh,
Handwritten notes,
Built-in storage 2GB,
Memory card microSD Card,
USB,WiFi,Bluetooth No,RSS,Internet browser,Audio-Out,
Text to Speech,the Android market,
Cover, USB calble, charger, quick start guide
