
Can Herpes Cause Prostatitis? How to Treat Prostatitis Effectively?

Prostatitisis divided into infective and non-infective. Infective prostatitis is often caused by urethritis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis, and other focus of infection that travels through blood to the prostate. The most common cause is the direct spread of bacteria from the urinary tract to the prostate gland.

When the human body's resistance decreases, the potential bacteria in the urethra can enter the prostate through the opening of the prostate gland in the posterior urethra.

When skin furuncles and tonsils, gums, and respiratory tract are inflamed, bacteria can also invade the prostate through blood and lymph channels, which can cause prostatitis. In addition to bacteria, viruses, trichomonads, fungi, and mycoplasma etc. can cause prostatitis.

Can herpes cause prostatitis?

There is no direct relationship between herpes zoster and prostatitis. Herpes zoster is a viral skin disease caused by varicella zoster virus. It is called in the traditional Chinese medicine "twining waist fire dragon" and " herpes zoster". Its main characteristics are to cluster collecting blisters and gather into belt distribution along one side of the peripheral nerve, accompanied by obvious neuralgia. Many factors may cause prostatitis.

In general, this kind of herpes zoster, which causes prostatitis, is relatively rare. It is usually seen in bacterial prostatitis or aseptic prostatitis. To find out exactly what causes prostatitis, we need to go to professional urology to check the exfoliated cells of prostatic fluid and urethra, to make a clear judgment.

Although in general, herpes simplex virus does not cause prostatitis, but the prostate and herpes are related, genital herpes is a kind of venereal disease, which is very harmful and can cause many complications. If chronic prostatitis is not treated, it may affect the fertility function and lead to infertility.

For patients with prostatitis, they must avoid spicy and stimulating food and develop a habit of a light diet. It's better to find a local traditional Chinese medicine for treatment.

First of all, the treatment of prostatitis must be based on keeping a good habit of life. Prostatitis is very difficult to treat. Intragroup adenosis itself is not a very serious disease. Don't think of it as a very serious disease. The course of treatment, regardless of the severity, is generally one to three months. Therefore, regular treatment and good habits of life are the most important.

Secondly, keep good living habits, including regularly doing some exercise and avoid sitting for a long time without moving, keep an good balanced diet food and drink more water do not use tobacco and drink alcohol. Don't ride a bike and eat stimulating food. Don't stay up late.

Besides, the use of traditional herbal medicine to treat prostatitis can also achieve good results, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can help patients to cure prostatitis. The pill can effectively promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote qi and relieve pain, which can have a very good effect of anti-inflammatory and help patients restore the normal function of the prostate gland.





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