one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


余裕の釣堀名人 bon pecheur

2006-03-21 05:11:13 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The fisher looks back to me with smile is one of my coworkers at the Nishiurawa station construction site. He is famous as a king of fishing ponds.
Once a weak, he visits to fishing pond in Tokyo area.
Around him no game fisher comes because it looks a bad place for fishing.
With a rental lod, he gets four big koi carp for two hours.
On the next day he says, " If with my lod, I fish the double numbers without fail." Nobody doubts his words.

(@市ヶ谷、Ichigaya, Shinjuku ward)
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