one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


隅田川岸辺 digue

2009-09-06 20:07:08 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

On the surface of the river protecting embankment, they draw pictures. Above those, a route of free way are along the river.

(蔵前橋両国橋間、隅田川、Boat Ride, Sumida river)
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You are right. (Cakeater)
2009-09-07 00:58:17
So, they are very busy strengthening the pillars now. They say more than sixty hundred places would be strengthened.
Unknown (Lucian)
2009-09-06 20:54:50
As for the local road of the low value of land, elevated road is supported with two pillars in every span.
Therefore, they don't fall like the earthquake of Hanshin-Awagi.

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