one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


あれはなんだ? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

2017-01-06 21:49:51 | birds, fish and others(生物)
170106069cp9.jpg 1800mm

Je ne suis pas du surhomme.
I'm not a superman. haha

(和田堀公園、大宮1丁目、Omiya, Suginami ward)
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Unknown (iwamoto)
2017-01-06 23:11:03
according to the color of the feather (sternenlied)
2017-01-06 23:23:47
I guess it is a kingfisher.
Or not?
Riddle (Turtlepro)
2017-01-07 02:16:16
The blur in the background is the same blur glimpse in foreground but no rabbit.
Iwamoto san (Cakeater)
2017-01-08 08:21:26
You return a nice BOKE like a gamin (= boy) de Tokyo!!
To sternenlied san (Cakeater)
2017-01-08 08:41:43
Yes, it's a LITTLE king of the pond. And the queen and the king always chase each other for the good table.
To turtlepro san (Cakeater)
2017-01-08 08:46:36
What is a rabbit ?
Photo, Art and Enjoyment (Turtlepro)
2017-01-14 04:37:05
Superman's coat is a bouquet in front of a bokeh. Toast! The rabbit is cheaper but it is not in the picture. Isn't it?
Unknown (Turtlepro)
2017-01-15 01:57:22
Had you a pleasure time here?
From Miniature Calender:
Catching a Nougat Egg (Turtlepro)
2017-01-23 03:28:06
Superman is and remains a human being, a biological being. Biological being can suffer a stroke, it can be dementia, it ages and becomes untenable - Superman is a biological being. Superman must always return as a biological being from the field of the 'emptiness' on the substance of his zafu. Practice Zen means at every sitting to examine his attitude conscientiously in order not to fall into the captivity of a pitcher (Heidegger) who will spill his milk generously away from the path of Zen. The substance of the jug must be thrown into the void (Koan 40, Mumokan*) in which case the jug breaks. The pitcher breaks, the earth breaks. Everything had happened before sitting on the zafu is past also the breaking of the pitcher and everything now placed on the zafu - and is it still so unfortunate the presence of the exercise - is the exercise straight anew. This is all that is to say about superman. Gassho * Source Byung-Chul Han, Philosophie des Zen-Buddhismus, Chapter: Emptiness)

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