Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

誕生日のプレゼントもらったよ (Presents for My 41st Birthday)

2025-03-19 22:26:06 | MN生活(15年目)(MN 2024-25)

Hello there!



How are you doing today? 



I was absent here for about 2 weeks again, but I'll keep up writing more often here from now on. 



So, here in MN, the temperature got up to 75F last Friday, which made me feel, "Oh, spring finally came to MN too!?" I, a freezy baby, was super excited and went for walk in such a good mood that day. 



Only the blue sky makes you feel so good and when it's warm too, your minds gets clear as well. 



But you know, it's MN. The temperature drastically dropped down to 27F on the next day, so I still can't say "Winter is here in MN!" yet lately. 




It's still chilly today and the highest temp was around 39F and the lowest was 35F. Besides the low temperature, the wind was about 25mph and the windchill was about 30F this morning. So, you know, it's not fun. 



The weather doesn't help me to get out of my less motivated mood at all, but the longer I stay in the house, the more I get depressed, so I kicked my butt to go for a walk today. 



Look. It's only 5 days after the first picture above. 5 days ago, "Oh, it's kind of hot today." I was walking in T-shirt, but I was all bundled up with winter gear today. I even feel like the warm day was imagination or something. Haha. 



Okay now, let me start sharing my 41st BD story again today. It was on my birthday back in the begining of January and Andy and May-chan gave me a coupe of presents. 




誕生日プチミステリーツアー (A Mystery Tour for My 41st BD) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Like I wrote on the last article, Andy already gave me a surprise trip to Grand Casino as my 41st birthday gift. 




Of course, the gift was more than enough, but he didn't stop spoiling me there. He got a couple of presents and card for me with May-chan. 




まず、朝起きて来ためいが作ってくれた、誕生日のデコレーション。ちょっとクリスマスと被っていますが、その時のお気に入りだった赤い鼻のトナカイのルドルフ&サンタさんと「おたんじょうび おめでとう」のバナー。
Before the gift opening scene, let me introduce this cute decoration that May-chan made for my birthday. It's kind of Christmas themed too, but she made Rudolph, the red-nose reindeer, and Santa Clause and the banner saying, "Happy Birthday!" in Japanese. 



Now, it's the present time! May-chan gave me a card and some scratch offs. 



Thank you!!



She made this amazing card for me! On the left side she drew Kiki and Jiji from "Kiki's Delivery Service" and on the right side she drew a tooth fairy and tooth! What a lovely picture!



Then, a card from Andy. On the card I saw a full of words to tell his love to me. (Thanks!) 


He'd already taken me to the surprise tour, but got me more presents. 

一つ目はHit-chanが好きなミステリー小説。"Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone" という物騒なタイトル。
The first one was this mystery book which title was kind of scary, Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone" because I love mystery novels. 
(I'm reading the book every night in bed, but there are so many people in the story, which quickly makes me sleepy, so I haven't gone through many pages yet. Haha.) 



Here's another box from Andy/ What's in it? 

Oh, this is...

a Hard Rock Cafe's T-shirt! It's a Chicago one. It'd been a long time since Andy got me one and I believe that he bought it sometime in the past and had hidden it until that day. 



So,  my 41st birhtyday celebration started from the surprise trip to Grand Casino on the 2nd of January and ended with a couple of lovely presents and cards from Andy and May-chan on my birthday. 


Again I really appreciate my hubby, Andy, for celebrating my birthday every year with full of his big love like this. May-chan's cute and lovely card also showed me how much she'd grown up too. 



Thank you so much, both of you guys!!



Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!




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誕生日プチミステリーツアー (A Mystery Tour for My 41st BD)

2025-03-07 13:12:10 | MN生活(15年目)(MN 2024-25)

Hello there!




How have you been? 




Yeah, I know. I've been away from my blog for a while again, but 3 of us, Andy, May-chan and I, are doing pretty good. 




Since right after 2025 began, our life has been kind of hectic, which didn't let me have enough time and energy to update my blog. Though, I have tons of things to share here and a part of me kind of feels like giving up, but I still do want to keep writing about my life here for my own diaries so that I can look back to my life in the future. 




Okay, about 3 months ago back in the beginning of 2025, January 5th was my 41st birthday. (Applause!) 




On the 2nd of January, 




I hand't had any plans but being lazy, so I was sleeping in as long as I wanted thanks to Andy for watching May-chan that morning. 




Then, Andy suddenly came to bed and said, "Hey, we're going to stay at Grand Casino for a night, so do you wanna pack stuff for 1 night?"




Oh, a day or two days prior to that morning, May-chan mentioned to me, "I'm going to stay at Grandpa&Grandma's house and Mommy&Daddy are going to stay at a hotel." I had no idea what she was talking about at the moment, but you know, a 6-year-old always talks about things that I don't understand, so I was just pasising it through. 




So, that morning Andy's and May-chan's words linked there and "Oh, I see now." I finally understood what May-chan was talking about a couple of days before. 





誕生日旅行 (Birthday Trip 2016) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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This time was actually not the first mystery tour for my birthday. Back in 2016, my sweet hubby took me to Grand Casino too, so I got the throw-back fun memories of the 1st trip when Andy came to bed and told me to pack things.




Okay, we're heading off! It was a beautiful day. 



May-chan was super excited to go sleep over at Grandpa&Grandma's house too. 




On the way up north, we saw a lot of ice-fishing houses on the frozen lake. 



We stopped by this bar to meet up with Grandma. 



I really appreciate her for driving down about 1 hour just to pick up May-chan. 





It's a really American casual bar. 



I got this Fish&Chips. In all honesty, I didn't have high expectation in their food, but it was pretty good!



Andy got this. I think it was steak sandwich. 



Mom got a BLT, I think, but you know, my memory is not good as always. Haha. 



May-chan got this cheese burger. 


What's interesting at this lunch was that May-chan said, "I'll get fish!!", but I wasn't sure if she would really like it or not, so "You usually don't eat fish and don't know if you'd really like it or not. So, why don't you try a piece of Mommy's?" and she agreed. 



Then, what a good surprise! She said, "It's yummy!" Wow! I was really impressed to know that my daughter who used to be a very picky eater was willing to explore more variety of food. 




After the casual and tasty lunch, Mom took May-chan back to her house and Andy and I drove to the final destination. 







This was the room Andy booked for me. 



From the King-size bed, 



we could watch TV like this. 



There's a coffee maker, microwave and fridge in the room. 



The bathroom was pretty spacy and functional too. 



The big bathtub was my most favorite part about the room.
(My sweet hubby always makes sure to book a room with a bathtub so that his wife, a big bath-lover, can enjoy her bath time. Thanks!)



After we took a little break in the room, of course we headed to...



the Casino! Andy kindly gave me some money to play there too. 



There were countless number of slot machines at the casino and we didn't have any idea which one would be the one. So, we tried some one by one and these ones were our favorites. 



This South Park one. 
(There's a good chance that you can win bonus games and also a bet per spin was not too expensive either, so we could enjoy playing it relatively for a long time.)



We once played this poker machine, but it's kind of boring. So, we finished it in 5 mins or so. 




So, our most favorite slot machine was this. 




Just as the South Park machine, there's a very good chance that you can win bonus games and a bet per spin was reasonable too, which let us enjoy playing it for a long time as well. 



Look at this. We won the line of 7 which gave us $40!! Yeah, that's the biggest reason why we loved this machine most. LOL



In the middle of the fun gambling time, we got hungry and went to a restaurant in the casino area. 





Andy got this ribs. 



I got this walleye sandwich. 



Again, I honestly didn't have high expectations in their food, but I was happily surprised how decent and delicious it was!  



I was very pleased!



Thank you and I love you so much as always. 



Yeah, this is how we spent the first day of the mystery tour. We were just chilling out in the hotel room for the rest of the night and I, of course, enjoyed a peaceful bathtime in the big bathtub too!




In the next morning, "Oh, we haven't taken any picutre of us together yet." Cheese!



We played in the casino for a bit and then met up wtih Dad&Mom and May-chan in the casino parking lot. 



It was actually a super freezing and windy day, which made it tough for us just to stand outside like this, but we had May-chan give a birthday card to Grandma there. Grandma's BD was Jan. 1st and May-chan had preped the card before this trip. 




Okay, this is how Andy and I enjoyed the mystery tour for my 41st BD. Needless to say, I really appreciate my sweet hubby for planning this  special trip for me and also I want to send a big thank you to Dad&Mom for watching May-chan for us. 




Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now. 




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ミネソタで初忘年会 (My First Year-End Party in MN)

2025-02-02 13:32:42 | MN生活(15年目)(MN 2024-25)

Hello folks!




How's your day going today? 




Okay, this is still about our life at the end of 2024, but let me talk about the first year-end party on the 30th of December that I hosted in MN.




I said that it's a party, but the guest was only my closest Japanese family, Ah-chan's family, and it was a very low-key and small party. They're Japanese and I wanted the party in a Japanese style, so I cooked mostly Japanese dishes for the party. 




I also asked Andy to cook some fancy steak too. 




I made 2 flavored Japanese style fried chicken. One was just salt for the kids and the other one was dipped in sweet and sour sauce and topped with my homemade tar-tar sauce. 



We got this smoked salmon and small shrimp at IKEA so that they could top them on my handmade Chirashi-sushi. You can see a part of my sushi on the right side. 



I made simple salad and...



Onigiri (rice balls) mostly for the kids. 



Why does it always feel more delicious when you eat with your loved ones??



Hi-chan loves eating in general. She was super happy to get this big piece of fried chicken. 



She's super pleased by taking a big bite of it like this. 



この日のデザートはあーちゃんファミリーにお願いしており、最近できたという韓国系ベーカリーのParis Baguetteというお店で美味しそうなケーキを買ってきてくれました。
I had asked Ah-chan's family to get some desserts for the party and they got some delicious cake at Paris Baguette which was a Korean chain bakery and recently opened in a near area from their house. 









Probably because they're a Koren bakery, the cakes were very light and not too sweet which were very similar to Japanese bakeries too. So yammy!



Except for when we were eating, the 3 girls were having a blast playing in May-chan's room downstairs. 



K-chan (Ah-chan's mom) and I hang out and chat a lot, but it was the first time for all of us including Andy and Ah-chan's dad to get together and talk about things. So, it was very nice for me to get to know more about Ah-chan's dad.



I've lived in MN for 14 years. I was invited to a new year party by my blog and MN friend, Kaijin-san, in the first or second year after I moved to MN, but again it was my first time to host a Japanese style year-end party here.  



Through my parenting life, it is very blessing that I could meet such a nice Japanese family and become friends with them. Thanks to them, I still can enjoy things related to my home country like this and I really appreciate it. 




Cheese!! Let's do more fun stuff together before you guys move back to Japan!!



Okay, I was doing busy at the end of 2024 as usual, but still could make this fun event happen too. 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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IKEAのジュニアチェアに (IKEA's Junior Chair)

2025-02-01 21:25:12 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

Hello there!




How's everything goin today?




Okay, this is also about a day last December. On the 29th, Andy took a day off, so all 3 of us went shopping together. 




It wasn't super cold, but foggy like this. 




We went to IKEA and it was the first visit for us in a long, long time. 



We were looking for this junior chair there. 




May-chan had used this attachable baby chair until she turned 6 since when she started being able to sit up on her own. 





シェリルを想う (Memories with Cheryl) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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The baby chair was a baby shower gift from one of my dear Caribou friends, Cheryl, who passed away a couple of years ago. 




The chair from Cheryl was reayy useful and we'd used it for several years. The balance of the levels between the chair and dining table is still fine, but there's no place for May-chan to put her feet on since she's taller now. 



I did some research about kids chairs online beforehand and found lots of high chairs for younger children or adult chairs, but there were not many chairs which heights were good for children around May-chan's age. 




Although, May-chan is going to be taller and would fit an adult chair in the next few years anyways, so we didn't want to buy anything pricy either.  




After a quick online research, I found this junior chair on IKEA's website and the price was about $70 which was pretty good.  




We could find the chair without any problem.  



After we purchased the chair, we decided to take a break at the cafe. I got a cup of coffee and frozen yogurt. Andy got a hotdog. 




This was my mistake, but I got May-chan a cup of strawberry & vanilla flavored frozen yogurt without asking her what flavor she would like. Then, the strawberry flavor was really close to fresh strawberries which were more sour than we expected, so May-chan didn't like it. 



I know that I spoiled her, but it was my fault, so I got another cup of vanilla flavor only. Then, she really loved it and emptied the whole cup by herself.
(Even though it's half & half flavor, the 2/3 of the cup was strawberry flavor, so if you like fresh strawberries, I would recommend the strawberry flavor.)



After the snack break, we purchased a couple of frozen products too. 
(The smoke salmon was a little bit on the salty side for us. The frozen shrimp were small pieces but they tasted pretty good.)




Later that day, Andy assembled the chair. 



Ta-da! It turned out like this. The chair color actually matched the dining table, so we like it so far. 



Anyways, May-chan's finely promoted to sit on the junior chair from the baby chair like this. She still needs to practice sitting still well on the new chair and I hope we will make lots of fun memories with the chair too. 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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Cossettaに行ってきたよ。(Shopping @ Cossetta)

2025-01-25 13:10:17 | MN生活(15年目)(MN 2024-25)

Hello folks!




How are you doing today? 



Again, I didn't update my blog for 2 weeks already, but I'll take more time to keep up writing here from now on. 




So, the timeline is backwards, but let me share the day that Andy and I had a fun shopping at Cossetta. I wrote about Consstta here a couple of times in the past and it's such a beautiful Italian shop which makes you feel like that you're Italy.  




ここはイタリア??(Are we in Italy??) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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I wrote about them on this article too. 



It was the day before Thanksgiving. May-chan had school, but Andy took a day off, so why not? We had some fun time just with us.



Downtown Minneapolis. It was a very cloudy day. 



Cossetta is always busy, and we expected that they'd be busier than usual since it was the day before Thanksgiving, but it was a happy surprise!



It was the most quiet time ever to visit and we didn't have any waiting time to find a parking spot either, which was very surprising to us. 



Again, it's usually too busy for me to take pictures inside the store, but I could take some that day. Isn't it beautiful? 




May-chan and I were going to celebrate her birthday at her bestie's house in the evening, so I wanted to get 2-3 pieces of small cake. 



I personally wanted to try most of the slection, but I picked 2 kinds of them which the birthday girl would like. 




They had some whole cakes in the display too and the prices were not that bad. 



After I got cake, Andy and I walked into the grocery section. 




We looked for this particular kind of cheese, aged Butterkase, which was Andy's mom's favorite and for Thanksgiving, but they didn't sell it.   




After that, Andy was getting some stuff like salami or Prosciutto.
(May-chan and Andy love salami, but I'm not a big fan of it.)



The store isn't that big, but the selection of Italian products is. You can see Genuine Italian products imported from Italy and fresh deli foods there.



Again, that day was not as busy as usual, so I took time to walk and look around the store while Andy was looking at the meat counter. 




Look! This is what I found, pizza flour. 



What surprisd me was the size of the bag. It's a restaurant size, isn't it?



I found this in the fridge too. Dried mullet roe. 




I've never tried dried mullet roe in my life, but heard of that. I've kind of wanted to try pasta with dried mullet roe for a while, but never got a chance yet. 




The price was not that bad, $12. 



So, I'd want to try pasta with dried mullet roe at a restaurant sometime and if I like it, I can get a pack of dried mullet roe here and make the pasta at home too. 




After the fun shopping at Cossetta, we still had time and swang by another place on the way back home. 




Andyっちが急遽調べてくれたこちらのお店。France 44
France 44 Andy googled about this store by his phone. 




Minneapolis Sandwiches, Cheese Shop, Charcuterie Boards, Gift Baskets| France 44

Minneapolis sandwiches, cheese shop , butcher , charcuterie boards, gift baskets, grocery, baked goods, cheese plates, catering, classes, pie

France 44 Cheese & Butcher Shop


I didn't think about this at the time, but we were shopping at 2 big gourmet country stores, from Italy to France, on the same day. Haha. 



Next to the cheese section, there's a pretty big wine shop too. 



They had delicious-looking pastries and cheese just like Conssetta did, but why didn't I get excited there as much as I did at Conssetta? 
(I guess, they're busy at the time and I wan't comfortable with taking much time to took around there.)



ここに来たのはママが好きなチーズ、aged Butterkaseがあるかチェックする為。
We actually went there to check if they had Andy's mom's favorite cheese, aged Butterkase.




Butterkäse - Wikipedia




We asked a man at the counter and he told us that they might have had one with chives, but Mom didn't want it anyways. So, we ended up getting 1 canned seafood and headed back home. Haha. 



After May-chan's back home from shool, we went to her best friend's, Ah-chan, house to celebrate May-chan's birthday together. 



I forgot to take pictures the cake that I got at Cossetta, and this one is an image that I took from a movie. The left one is chocolate mousse and the right one is crispy pie layers with custard cream. 





ひな祭り2024 (Girl's Festival 2024) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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I didn't remember this at all, but the custard one was the exact same cake that Andy got me for Girls' Day last year. 




May-chan was very pleased to be celebrated her birthday by Ah-chan's family like this. 



Okay, this is all about the day that Andy and I went shopping at Cossetta!




Thank you for reading agian!! Bye for now!




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