Hello there!
How are you doing today?
I was absent here for about 2 weeks again, but I'll keep up writing more often here from now on.
So, here in MN, the temperature got up to 75F last Friday, which made me feel, "Oh, spring finally came to MN too!?" I, a freezy baby, was super excited and went for walk in such a good mood that day.
Only the blue sky makes you feel so good and when it's warm too, your minds gets clear as well.
But you know, it's MN. The temperature drastically dropped down to 27F on the next day, so I still can't say "Winter is here in MN!" yet lately.
It's still chilly today and the highest temp was around 39F and the lowest was 35F. Besides the low temperature, the wind was about 25mph and the windchill was about 30F this morning. So, you know, it's not fun.
The weather doesn't help me to get out of my less motivated mood at all, but the longer I stay in the house, the more I get depressed, so I kicked my butt to go for a walk today.
Look. It's only 5 days after the first picture above. 5 days ago, "Oh, it's kind of hot today." I was walking in T-shirt, but I was all bundled up with winter gear today. I even feel like the warm day was imagination or something. Haha.
Okay now, let me start sharing my 41st BD story again today. It was on my birthday back in the begining of January and Andy and May-chan gave me a coupe of presents.
Like I wrote on the last article, Andy already gave me a surprise trip to Grand Casino as my 41st birthday gift.
Of course, the gift was more than enough, but he didn't stop spoiling me there. He got a couple of presents and card for me with May-chan.
まず、朝起きて来ためいが作ってくれた、誕生日のデコレーション。ちょっとクリスマスと被っていますが、その時のお気に入りだった赤い鼻のトナカイのルドルフ&サンタさんと「おたんじょうび おめでとう」のバナー。
Before the gift opening scene, let me introduce this cute decoration that May-chan made for my birthday. It's kind of Christmas themed too, but she made Rudolph, the red-nose reindeer, and Santa Clause and the banner saying, "Happy Birthday!" in Japanese.
Now, it's the present time! May-chan gave me a card and some scratch offs.
Thank you!!
She made this amazing card for me! On the left side she drew Kiki and Jiji from "Kiki's Delivery Service" and on the right side she drew a tooth fairy and tooth! What a lovely picture!
Then, a card from Andy. On the card I saw a full of words to tell his love to me. (Thanks!)
He'd already taken me to the surprise tour, but got me more presents.
一つ目はHit-chanが好きなミステリー小説。"Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone" という物騒なタイトル。
The first one was this mystery book which title was kind of scary, Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone" because I love mystery novels.
(I'm reading the book every night in bed, but there are so many people in the story, which quickly makes me sleepy, so I haven't gone through many pages yet. Haha.)
Here's another box from Andy/ What's in it?
Oh, this is...
a Hard Rock Cafe's T-shirt! It's a Chicago one. It'd been a long time since Andy got me one and I believe that he bought it sometime in the past and had hidden it until that day.
So, my 41st birhtyday celebration started from the surprise trip to Grand Casino on the 2nd of January and ended with a couple of lovely presents and cards from Andy and May-chan on my birthday.
Again I really appreciate my hubby, Andy, for celebrating my birthday every year with full of his big love like this. May-chan's cute and lovely card also showed me how much she'd grown up too.
Thank you so much, both of you guys!!
Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!
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