Another dream...
(A barking dog.)
「Private Noguchi!」
「Commander,is it true?
Was I really killed in action?
...I can't believe I'm really dead.
I went home.
I ate the special cakes(ぼた餅)my mother made for me.
I remember it well.」
「You told me that before.
You were shot.You fainted.
Then you woke up.I was tending you and you told me that story.
It was a dream.You dreamt it while you were unconscious.
It was so strong I still remember it.
But after five minutes or so you died.
You really died.」
「I see.
But my parents...
...don't believe I'm dead.
That's my home.
My mother and father...
...are there...
...still waiting for me.」
「But it's a fact.You died.
I'm so sorry,but you died.
You're really dead.You died... my arms.
(Shoulder arm / A salute)
(Noguchi go back in the dark Tunnel.)
「Halt (a Platoon) !
Salute the Commander!
At ease!
Third Platoon returning to base,sir.
No casualties.」
I understand how you must feel.
...the third Platoon was annihilated.
You were all killed in action.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't killed.I survived.
I can hardly look you in the face.
I sent you out to die.
I was to blame.
I could place all the responsibility...
...on the stupidity of war.
But I can't blame that.
I can't deny my thoughtlessness.
My misconduct.
...I was taken prisoner.
I suffered so much in the camp
that I felt dying was easier.
And... I look at you...
...I feel that same pain.
I know that your suffering and torture
were much greater.
...I would have wanted to die with you.
I really would have.
Believe me.
I feel your bitterness.
They call you“heroes”...
...but you died... dogs.
...returning to the world
like this proves nothing.
Go back.
Go back and rest in peace.
Third Platoon!
About face!
(The Platoon also go back to darkness.)
(Sound the march of a trumpet and a barking dog too.)