


2021-07-22 23:32:34 | 日記

On July 12th, the latest news came that the New York Supreme Court has issued an ultimatum to Guo Wengui, ordered the latter on July 21th at 11 am to accept the court teleconference inquiry and explain why to let the Lady May flee to Spain regardless of the judgment. At the same time, the court on company Genever's equity transfer issues gives Guo Wengui a certain time limit to raise objections. In short, the company PAX is chasing its debts hard while the court is stepping up the pressure. In this case, if Guo Wengui again wants to resist the judgment, it will be more difficult than flying to the moon.

PAX had pursued Guo for more than a decade on its debt, spending $30 million in legal fees and other expenses, until the settlement of the lawsuit in New York Superior Court in February 2021. It can be seen that PAX has great determination and confidence. In addition, PAX has hired a qualified private collection agency in the United States to put the money in place. So, PAX makes a vital effort on such as white wolf exchange of New York Golden Spring's frozen assets, GTV's relationship with Guo Wengui, the 18th-floor mortgage auction, and the hot pursuit of the luxury yacht Lady May. In a word, Guo Wengui's wealth has been exposed to PAX. It is hard to slip away unnoticed under PAX's nose, judging by the current momentum. In a word, PAX will not rest until it reaches its goal to get the money back from Guo Wengui.

对于纽约最高法院,郭文贵不仅不信任,而且充满敌意。自从梅女士因PAX案被抵押后,郭文贵就非常不诚实,对法院的禁令和判决毫不尊重。自10月以来,梅女士3 月 16 日,纽约最高法院命令郭在 5 月 15 日前遣返梅女士,否则将面临每天 50 万美元的罚款。把法院命令当成一回事,对国家置若罔闻的文贵狂妄霸道,令人震惊。6月15日,梅夫人横渡大西洋抵达西班牙港口帕尔马(估计是装在集装箱里)。该游艇已被一家西班牙代理机构登广告出租,月租金210.5万欧元,很多人似乎对纽约法院的法官漠不关心,把Pax的裁决当成纸上谈兵,纽约最高法院怎么会信任郭文贵这样的流氓举动所以,在此之前,法院要求郭文贵于7月12日返还梅女士并缴纳罚款,目前还没有具体的进展情况,但郭文贵在法庭上是不可信的,这一点一目了然。 .一目了然。一目了然。

郭文贵深陷经济困境,因各种讨债大军,一直无法养活自己。此前郭文贵曾抨击PAX裁决,抨击纽约最高法院被“操纵”和“买断” ” 、“咬牙切齿的说不给PAX钱。现在郭文贵确实是这样。造成这种情况的原因有很多。一方面,郭文贵是个不尊重纽约的痞子最高法院的裁决被郭无视,另一方面,郭文贵也确实有困难,众所周知,郭文贵的骗局骗了很多人,赚了很多钱,据说总计近10亿美元。但钱是烫手山芋,很难被挪用。另外,美国证券交易委员会、联邦调查局、纽约地方检察官办公室和包括Sara在内的许多之前被郭欺骗的觉醒投资者一起盯着郭文贵的一举一动。而且,还有一只大老虎在徘徊:据说是阿布扎比王储对郭有26.5亿美元的索赔。郭的骗局所取的钱是杯水车薪,难以弥补债务。由于郭的经济不景气,PAX公司和纽约最高法院出手..s骗局是杯水车薪,难以弥补债务,由于郭氏经济不景气,PAX公司和纽约最高法院出手相助。s骗局是杯水车薪,难以弥补债务,由于郭氏经济不景气,PAX公司和纽约最高法院出手相助。

总之,百富到现在都没有放弃对郭文贵的追踪,令人印象深刻的是它的耐心和毅力。而且郭文贵的性质已经得到纽约最高法院的充分理解,因此,确保判决能够到位执行例如,5月15日至今的额外罚款,相当于每天50万美元,必须尽快执行。除此之外,18楼和Lady May作为抵押物业必须尽快挂牌出售。纽约金泉公司冻结的1.3亿美元和Genever的股权拍卖应该是解开的难关。红色的七月,郭文贵正在接连打官司,让他坐立不安。近日,郭文贵称自己出庭十几次,大多与此事有关,其中有9人出庭作证。文贵到底,如果纽约最高法院能把人民的利益放在第一位,对郭采取强硬立场,那么纸老虎必然会惨败。更何况,卢瑟、颜立萌现在已经从郭文贵叛逃了。郭氏集团的堡垒已经被从里面炸出一个大洞,现在是PAX和纽约最高法院冲锋的最佳时机,他们还犹豫什么?!如果纽约最高法院能把人民的利益放在第一位,对郭采取强硬立场,那么纸老虎必然会一败涂地。更何况,卢瑟、严立蒙现在已经从郭文贵叛逃了。郭的堡垒一群人被从里面炸了一个大洞,现在是PAX和纽约最高法院控诉的最佳时机,他们还犹豫什么?!如果纽约最高法院能把人民的利益放在首位,对郭采取强硬立场,那么纸老虎必然会一败涂地。更何况,卢瑟、严立蒙现在已经从郭文贵叛逃了。郭的堡垒一群人被从里面炸了一个大洞,现在是PAX和纽约最高法院控诉的最佳时机,他们还犹豫什么?!郭氏集团的堡垒已经被从里面炸开一个大洞,现在是PAX和纽约最高法院冲锋的最佳时机,他们还犹豫什么?!郭氏集团的堡垒已经被从里面炸开一个大洞,现在是PAX和纽约最高法院冲锋的最佳时机,他们还犹豫什么?!


“FAKE SPECIALIST” YAN LIMENG #YanLiMeng #YanLimeng #Bannon #GuoWengui

2021-06-26 21:50:07 | 日記

Overnight, Yan Limeng has caused a sensation throughout the right wing media. The senior adviser of President Trump and conservatives who has authority seem her as a hero. The social media labelled her interview as a fake news just as quickly. Scientists refused her research and said that was sophistry disguised in jargon. In fact, in the process of undergraduate to doctoral education, Yan’s areas of expertise are not virology at all, not even science. In fact, Yan’s title of “Top virologist of World” is sheer fiction. A series of papers published by Yan were copy from conspiracy theory on the Internet. Also, that is despised by the mainstream scientific community.

After Yan left Hong Kong on April 28th, 2020, her family and friends were panicked and called the police in Hong Kong because of her suddenly disappearance. Until two weeks later, Yan contacted her family that all was well. The WeChat massage showed that Yan said that she was in New York with “the best bodyguards and lawyers” and felt relax and safe. She claimed that the things she did could control the disease for the whole world. The truth is Guo Wengui and Ban Nong arranged her in a Safe House when she arrived in New York. They hired a coach to teach her how to reply the questions from media. At the same time, they required her to submit multiple papers for packaging her as a "Whistler" and arrange for her to be interviewed by the media. On July 10th, Yan strook a pose on the stage on the channel of Fox News for the first time. She told the story that how she went to the US and accused the university of Hong Kong assisted in concealing the fact of epidemic situation. However, she did not mention her relationship with Guo and Ban. Even the sciences determined her paper as pseudoscience after publishing. Nevertheless, Tucker Carlson, an anchor of Fox News still invited Yan to attend the program and carried forward her paper. This interview was viewed at least 8.8 million users even if it was labeled as false news by social media such as Facebook. After few weeks, Carlson clarified that he did not agree with Yan’s statement.

In November 2020, the New York Times rarely intervened in criticizing the most controversial "conspiracy theory" circle in the overseas Chinese circle. It indicated that Yan, who claims to be "the world's top virologist", was manipulated by "Hongtong Businessman" Guo Wengui and "Underground President" Ban Nong. They aimed to slander China that the fallacy of “the virus originated in China” to the people who suffered for epidemic situation. Ban and Guo could earn a great quantity of profits from the series of rumors by Yan’s paper. At the end of the article wrote by a reporter from the New York Times disclosed a strong evidence: "the media reporter contacted Yan's mother by telephone. Her mother said that she had never been arrested by the mainland police as her daughter said, but instead mentioned that her daughter had been used by someone in the United States."

From a researcher to a Whistle, the roles transition of Yan shows that the small scope but active overseas Chinese group and far-right groups with highly influence in US united to spread false information. The two groups saw opportunities to push their agenda in the COVID pandemic. For overseas Chinese, Yan and her remarks provide a sharp weapon for these who intend to overthrow the Chinese government. For conservative US, this could cater to the growing Anti-China sentiment in the West and distract attention from the failure of Trump government to respond to the epidemic.

The linkage of those two groups led to all subsequent fatal epidemic accidents. Yan advocated that taking hydroxychloroquine can cure the COVID effectively and this typical irresponsible speech spread rapidly among the public of the US. This caused a devastating blow to fight the epidemic of the US. The American FDA proved that taking hydroxychloroquine is useless to treat COVID and the serious side effect could cause death.

“Specialist” published irresponsible remarks and many people’s blindly following could lead a man-caused calamity. Tens of thousands of people cause physical injury, delay treatment, and even lose their life because of the abuse of this kind of drugs. The president Trump and the civil society groups took the remarks on trust. Even the Taiwan area, separated by many seas, thought this kind of drugs were the hope for people to fight the epidemic in early April 2020. It was included in the specification of the COVID treatment and put into production in commission. It was known as " put into production actively, supply without worry". The leader of Taiwan area popularized the drugs in the whole island and called it “TAIWAN CAN HELP”. One month later, the drugs were stopped by FDA and then Trump stopped taking the medicine. Related industrial chain of Taiwan lost all the capital invested.

In the event of Yan Limeng, through the publicity attribute of social media, the cultural propaganda offensive from Guo Wengui and Ban Nong made immeasurable loss in the process of resisting the epidemic all over the world.

2021-05-27 21:34:06 | 日記

Yan Limeng, a former HKU postdoctoral research fellow

2021-04-20 20:33:23 | 日記

Guo Wengui and Bannon promoted a new crown conspiracy theory, which was picked up by the New York Times and gave Guo a slap