痛苦短暫 榮耀永恆 A Moment of Pain, is Worth a Lifetime of Glory - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo
火馬 Fire Horse - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo
路漫漫其修遠兮 - Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo Art
Chinese ink brush tiger - Chinese Painting Tattoo
Line of a dragon|Chinese Painting|TimeLapse|Drawing|Joey Pang|JP Tattoo Art|Hong Kong
Full Body Fire Phoenix - Tattoo Artwork
Chinese Ink Traditional Dragon And Calligraphy - Chinese Painting Tattoo Artwork
PaperCut of Flower and Bird
Koi fishes represent his family - Chinese Painting Tattoo Artwork
Monstera deliciosa - In Progress
Monstera deliciosa - Tattoo Artwork
The Galloping Steed - Chinese Painting Tattoo
Modern Classic Chinese Style Dali China & Central Hong Kong