JP Tattoo Art

Custom Tattoo / Chinese Calligraphy / Painting

Freehand Windy Bamboo - Chinese Painting Tattoo

2022-11-20 | Tattoo タトゥー

Freehand Windy Bamboo



Freehand Windy Bamboo - Chinese Painting Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong


雅媛 - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo

2022-11-19 | Calligraphy 書道




雅媛 - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong



永遠 Forever - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo

2022-11-18 | Tattoo タトゥー


- Forever -



永遠 Forever - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong



The Galloping Steed - Tattooing Process - Chinese Painting Tattoo

2022-11-17 | Drawing/Tattooing 動画

The Galloping Steed


Chinese Painting Tattoo

Tattooing by Joey Pang

堅毅 Fortitude - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo

2022-11-16 | Calligraphy 書道


- Fortitude -



堅毅 Fortitude - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong

堅毅 Fortitude - 書道刺青 Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art - Hong Kong