Yuval Noah Harariの "Nexus" を読んでいます。Part 1, Chapter 2 STORIES: UNLIMITED CONNECTIONS
As Stalin knew, it is possible to brand not only products but also individuals. A corrupt billionaire can be branded as the champion of the poor; a bungling imbecile can be branded as an infallible genius; and a guru who sexually abuses his followers can be branded as a chaste saint. People think they connect to the person, but in fact they connect to the story told about the person, and there is often a huge gulf between the two.
"infallible" とその反語の "fallible" はこの "Nexus" に頻繁に出てくるので "fallible" の意味を押さえておきます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: able to make mistakes or be wrong: Memory is selective and "fallible".
・Collins Dictionary: capable of being mistaken; erring: They are creatures of convenience, victims of their own fallible logic.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: A fallible object or system is likely not to work in a satisfactory way: This method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.
・Vocabulary.com: As humans we are all fallible, because fallible means likely to make errors or fail. Nobody's perfect, after all.
Fall down on the job and you're fallible. It's a forgiving way to say you screwed up. If a scientific experiment's data is fallible, that means you can't trust the numbers. More than just locking your keys in the car, fallible can allude to a lack of moral strength. If in addition to locking your keys in the car, you kissed your best friend's husband, you might try using "I'm fallible" as your defense.
As Stalin knew, it is possible to brand not only products but also individuals. A corrupt billionaire can be branded as the champion of the poor; a bungling imbecile can be branded as an infallible genius; and a guru who sexually abuses his followers can be branded as a chaste saint. People think they connect to the person, but in fact they connect to the story told about the person, and there is often a huge gulf between the two.
"infallible" とその反語の "fallible" はこの "Nexus" に頻繁に出てくるので "fallible" の意味を押さえておきます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: able to make mistakes or be wrong: Memory is selective and "fallible".
・Collins Dictionary: capable of being mistaken; erring: They are creatures of convenience, victims of their own fallible logic.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: A fallible object or system is likely not to work in a satisfactory way: This method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.
・Vocabulary.com: As humans we are all fallible, because fallible means likely to make errors or fail. Nobody's perfect, after all.
Fall down on the job and you're fallible. It's a forgiving way to say you screwed up. If a scientific experiment's data is fallible, that means you can't trust the numbers. More than just locking your keys in the car, fallible can allude to a lack of moral strength. If in addition to locking your keys in the car, you kissed your best friend's husband, you might try using "I'm fallible" as your defense.