Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 'We Found a FIX HELP, HACKS. & HOW TO' からの引用です。
If you're serving chilled foods under the sun, put a zip-top bag of ice at the bottom of the dish, cover it with lettuce, and serve your culinary creation on top. You'll keep your shrimp or deviled eggs safe to eat through a sultry afternoon.
"deviled eggs" はどんな食べ物でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・WordNet 3.0: a hard-boiled egg, sliced into halves and with the yolk removed and replaced with a paste, usually made from the yolk and mayonnaise, seasoned with salt and/or spices such as paprika.
普通の辞書にはこの "deviled eggs" を項目にしているのは見かけません。やはりこの種は百科辞典を見るべきですね。
・Wikipedia: Deviled eggs (also known as stuffed eggs, Russian eggs, or dressed eggs) are hard-boiled eggs that have been shelled, cut in half, and filled with a paste made from the egg yolks mixed with other ingredients such as mayonnaise and mustard. They are generally served cold as a side dish, appetizer or a main course during gatherings or parties. The dish's origin can be seen in recipes for boiled, seasoned eggs as far back as ancient Rome, where they were traditionally served as a first course. The dish is popular in Europe and North America.