What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Visiting the town of Hōfu

2020-08-28 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Friday, 28th of August, 2020

On the 22nd (Sat), after visiting the Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple (東大寺別院阿弥陀寺) the taxi driver took us to the Mōri's residence (毛利邸) and the remains of the Suō provincial capital (周防国府跡), on the way to  Suō Kokubunji Temple (周防国分寺).

After visiting the Kokubunji Temple, we temporarily dropped off in front of the torii gate of the  Hōfu Tenmangū Shrine (府天満宮). Then I asked him "Can we go to the Sabagawa River (佐波川)?", and after looking at the Sabagawa river(佐波川) for a while, we were able to get back to Hōfu Station in time.




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