What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Kagome, Kagome

2011-02-14 13:44:38 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


The song "Kagome, Kagome", which is well-known by everyone, was sung by Master Kukai (空海) looking toward Ise Shrine (伊勢神宮) from the summit of Mt. Sengamine (千ヶ峰).



Queen Hathor is hidden in the mountains and cannot be seen from the mountaintop, but I saw the human side of the alien-like Master Kukai. When I found her, I was so happy and I became a great fan of him from that moment on.

"Good evening!" A fish appeared.

Kukai used the fish as a metaphor for ChriXX. He also made him look like a fish, which is a reference to his own name from his childhood, 'Mao' (真魚: truth fish).

What a rhetoric person Mr. Kukai is!


 Kukai-sama, you sang "Kagome, Kagome" in front of the fish. Then, you sang, "Who is the right behind of me?"

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