AICPA(米国公認会計士協会)とCIMA(勅許管理会計士協会)が、グローバル管理会計原則(The Global Management Accounting Principles)という報告書を公表したという記事。管理会計の実務の指針となる初めての一般原則だそうです。
The Global Management Accounting Principles, released Wednesday, represent the first set of universal principles to guide the practice of management accounting.
The principles, prepared in a comprehensive report released by the AICPA and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), are based on insights from a global sampling of CEOs, CFOs, academics, and other professionals.
The four principles, focused on four outcomes, are intended to provide senior executives with strategic and financial oversight a way to benchmark their management accounting processes and identify where the processes can be improved.
The four principles:
Communication provides insight that is influential.(コミュニケーションによって影響力のある洞察がもたらされていること) Good management accounting begins and ends with conversations, allowing management to cut across silos and create a path to integrated thinking.
Information is relevant.(情報が関連性のあるものであること) One of management accounting’s central roles is providing decision-makers the right information on a timely basis. If the needs of the decision-maker are understood, then identification, collection, validation, preparation, and storage of timely information can be carried out.
Impact on value is analyzed. (バリューに対する影響が分析されていること)This principle requires a thorough understanding of the business model and the macroeconomic environment. Strong management accounting functions are able to turn information into insight by assessing the impact of scenarios being considered.
Stewardship builds trust. (スチュアードシップによって信頼が構築されていること)The principles require active management of relationships and resources “so that the financial and non-financial assets, reputation and value of the organisation are protected.”
The principles provide guidance about the core competencies required of management accountants, which are detailed in the CGMA Competency Framework. The principles are meant to be applied across 14 practice areas of the management accounting function (see below).
Cost transformation and management(原価管理)
External reporting(外部報告)
Financial strategy(財務戦略)
Internal control(内部統制)
Investment appraisal(投資評価)
Management and budgetary control(予算管理)
Price, discount, and product decisions(価格、値引き、製品に関する意思決定)
Project management(プロジェクト・マネジメント)
Regulatory adherence and compliance(コンプライアンス)
Resource management(リソース管理)
Risk management(リスク管理)
Strategic tax management(戦略的税務管理)
Treasury and cash management(財務管理)
Internal audit(内部監査)
Global Management Accounting Principles(CIMA)
How to Get Better at Management Accounting(CFO)