
In Madoff’s Wake, Scrutiny of Accounting Firms

In Madoff's Wake, Scrutiny of Accounting Firms - NYTimes.com


まずマドフ氏のファンド自体を監査していたのはFriehling & Horowitzというごく零細な会計事務所です。

The district attorney for Rockland County, N.Y., Thomas P. Zugibe, has also begun inquiries into Friehling & Horowitz, the three-person accounting firm that provided services to Mr. Madoff’s firm. Many have asked how a company as small as Friehling — a three-employee firm based in New City, N.Y., that occupies a 13-foot-by-18-foot storefront space in an office plaza — could have handled an operation as large as Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities. Friehling & Horowitz is also the subject of a preliminary ethics investigation by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants started after the scandal broke.



One investor in a feeder fund, New York Law School, has already sued BDO Seidman, the auditor of one of its money managers, arguing that the firm failed to notice warning signs related to the $50 billion scandal.

すでにBDO Seidmanという事務所が、マドフ氏のファンドに投資していた別のファンドの投資家であるNew York Law Schoolから訴えられています。

過去の会計不正では、会計事務所が数億ドル単位の賠償金を支払っている例があります(この記事では、Ernst & YoungがCendantと同社の株主に合計6億3500万ドルの賠償金を支払ったケースと、Pricewaterhouse がTycoの会計不正に関連して2億2500万ドルの和解金を支払ったケースを挙げています)。


In its lawsuit, New York Law School said that BDO Seidman had “utterly failed” in its auditing of Ascot Partners. The lawsuit says that BDO Seidman failed to flag Ascot’s reliance on a single money manager, Mr. Madoff, as well as Mr. Madoff’s reliance on Friehling & Horowitz.

BDO Seidmanが訴えられている裁判で原告側は、BDO Seidmanは、マドフ氏のファンドに再投資していたAscot Partnersの監査に失敗したと主張しています。Ascot Partnersが資金運用者であるマドフ氏に依拠し、マドフ氏はFriehling & Horowitzに依拠していたことについて、警告すべきであったといっています。

BDO Seidman has said that it never audited Mr. Madoff’s firm, just Mr. Merkin’s, and that its audits of Ascot Partners “conformed to all professional standards.”

一方、BDO Seidman側は、あらゆる職業専門家としての基準に準拠して監査を行ったと主張しています。

PricewaterhouseCoopers was the main auditor for Sentry, the largest fund run by Fairfield Greenwich Group, the $14.1 billion investment manager that has lost the most money so far in the Madoff scandal. The accounting firm was tasked with minding Sentry, which had about $7.5 billion invested in Mr. Madoff’s firm.

今回の詐欺事件で損失を被ったFairfield Greenwich Groupの最大のファンドSentryを監査しているのはPricewaterhouseCoopersです。Sentryは、75億ドルをマドフ氏のファンドに投資していました。


米投資詐欺、止まらぬ被害拡大 SECへの批判強まる


セレブ軒並み“マドフ被害” スピルバーグ氏もノーベル賞受賞者も




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