

【アイヌ社会の「政戦」戦略の不明 コシャマインの戦い-4】

2024-05-09 05:52:44 | 日記


English version⬇

[Unknown "political warfare" strategy of Ainu society, Battle of Koshamain-4
Moshitora" is the current theme. It can also be translated as "If Kosha". What kind of future could the Koshamain have offered if they had won this battle? ...

I happened to have the opportunity to visit the Twelve Stations of Southern Hokkaido, a theme that I have always felt somewhat remote from the history of the island, and I was able to see various aspects of it.
 After the Battle of Koshamain, the resistance and rebellion of the Ainu people, a trading people, against the samurai power coiled in southern Hokkaido since the Middle Ages, continued, including the famous Shakushain Rebellion. Unfortunately, this friction and political and security instability continued for a long time. Finally, the situation was "resolved" historically with the successful realization of the mass colonization and development of Hokkaido Island as a national defense project following the establishment of Japanese territory on the island by the Meiji Restoration.
 There are many possible interpretations of this.
 I cannot help but think of the contrast between the Ainu society and Japanese society, which developed as a "nation" by starting Yayoi agriculture from the Jomon period and establishing a central authority.
 I believe that Japanese society inevitably developed a spirit of independence in response to the birth of the Ritsuryo state in mainland China, a political system that was the "global standard" in the sense of the time, and functioned as the core of social development. In addition, the state power itself, with a strong sense of mission, worked to ensure consistency with the "Yamato language," which had existed before the introduction of Chinese characters from the stage of having no written language, through the compilation of the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and other projects.
 This process culminated in the invention of hiragana and katakana in the Heian period. During this period, the nation also developed as a nation in the political and military spheres, leading to the international recognition of Prince Shotoku's political and diplomatic stance, "Land of the rising sun, land of the setting sun.
 Modern research shows that there were no significant differences between Japanese society and Ainu society as far back as the Jomon period. However, even in the midst of the advance of Japanese society, which seems to have begun with the Abenohirau expedition that established a county fiefdom in Yotei in the rear, the "strategic" stance of the Ainu society is not clear when it comes to the battle phase surrounding Shikokan.
 It is true that the Battle of Koshamain was a battle fought "in the name of justice" by the side that had been oppressed by inhumane and unfair terms of trade. However, even if the Koshamain side had won the battle, one wonders if they would have had a direction for their subsequent development and a vision for their political future.
 The Twelve Provinces side is based on the logic of realism, with the principle of "gratitude and dedication" based on the "single-mindedness" philosophy, which guarantees the relationship of master and servant and trustworthiness. On the other hand, "anger" alone against the inhumane and unjust hands will not be enough to open up the future prospects after the war. Of course, I am aware that this view is based only on the historical fact that the Kosher people lost the war as a result. As a trading people, we would like to know what kind of vision of future society they had or did not have after the victory in the war.
 As far as I have explored, it seems that not much research has been done even on the "political" structure of Ainu society. We hope to see progress in this area of research in the future.