Since last year May, I have a new dentist.
She is modern dentist. She examines and makes treatment plan. Also her office assitants are very knowlegeable for the treatment and insurance. All are women and very patient. They explain the treatment, future plan and cost, so I fully understand and can be happy when leaving the office.
Lately my right side tooth have botherd me with discomfort. Today I had cleaning and number of X-rays. The dentist pointed that my gum is weak and easy to get infection. Only prevetative is bushing and using dental flost. Also important have deep cleaning and frequnt regular cleaning. Another thing was old crown replacement. X-ray shows below the crown tip, possible decayed tooth.
Preventative health care is very important. Daily maintanace for own health is essential. Wise diet, excise and knowlege of own body keep own life enjoyable.
The new dentist has remaind me a lot of things and I am very happy with her.