I viseted my X-mother in law in a rehabcenter. She has been in this center for about little over 3 month after number of falling in her home.
Although I had suggested her to enter care home where she could have good care without any streess, she strongly refused to enter any facilitirs even she had noted herself more difficulty for own care. She did not have good image of living in facility and also she wanted her own relative to take care her. My son, daughter, her own son, sisters and brothers had conserned her and given lot of help, but her mind had not been changed at all.
After number of falling and deficit of her own care, one day she was sent to ER. It did not take many days for her to be sent this rehabcenter directly from the hospital.
I visited her yesterday. She has changed from my last visit 2 month ago. She looked smaller and weak, but her mental was not changed. She was sitting in a wheel chair and playing "bingo game" with other residents. She dressed nice and welcome me with smile. She came out her room today because of my visit. She won the game. When she ate lunch, her hands were shaking and she spilled some food on her clothe. She looked like a little girl and I swiped my eyes fillled lot of tears.
During my driving for one and a half hours, lot of memories came back to my mind. Especially this holidy season, She cooked lot of deliciace food and fed my family. She took care of my two children so well. My two children were always loved by her and grandma who passed away. She and my relationship has been for little less than 40 years. She has been very nice to me all ways.
Holiday season brings back lot of nice memories in each families.