カリフォルニアからシニアー日誌 (Senior Dairy from California) 


2018-2-1 Really?

2018-02-03 12:14:40 | エッセイ

One day I saw one friend request on my Facebook.
Usually I turn down unkown people's request. I do not feel comfortable to accept unknown people.
This time as usually check the person's site. There was very simple site with some photo of an unbelievable handsome man. 

I accepted his request without any hesitation.
For about 3 hours later a short greeting arrived. I did not act immediately. I waited for one day to reply for his greeting.

I know I am not good for one by one contact except same sex. I had little nurvousness and expectation and even anxity.

He asked where I am from. I reply him from Japan. also made same question to him. One more thing made me wondring was California was almost midnight, but he wrote good morning, so I asked him his location too.

short messages go and back twice.

He wrote me about him. He is Army General from United States and home town was East Cast. He did not mention his location. I do not have any knowledge about US Army, so I started Google surch. General must be a very high rank.

Previously I needed to wait his reply for 3 days. A week later it looks like same thing happenes. I have not seen him opening my message. Suspectly he works a couple days continuasly.

I really can't think reallity, feeling is beeing in another world. Wait to see.

