Ryu Siwon live performance was great.<3 Thank you.<3 fb.me/1oWsgyuS0
@keirsw 12月6日(木)のTwitterまとめブログ teacup.ブログ“AutoPage” love.ap.teacup.com/keirsw/566.html #AutoPage
Ryu Siwon live performance was great.<3 fb.me/vCTqakpB
Ryu Siwon live performance was great.<3 fb.me/1XFnuQzDG
Ryu Siwon live performance was great.<3 fb.me/1Kab1dIfG
Ryu Siwon live performance was great.<3 fb.me/1MNTpDE6A
Ryu Siwon live performance was great.<3 fb.me/21FW1dviq
Congratulations.<3 TEAM106 and Ryu Siwon team coach.<3 fb.me/1Z5AXSNmj
RCongratulations.TEAM106 and Ryu Siwon team coach.<3 fb.me/1OtqdpZA4