

An image of dialectic

2005-05-08 | 学問
  Hegel has propounded three philosophers Zeno, Heraclitus, and Plato as the founders of dialectic. Against him, I proposed two philosophers of Plato and Aristotle.

  Dialectic is directly connected with Panta Rhei,that is, Everything flows, nothing stands still, of Heraclitus today. I want to insist, however, that this is an image in these two centuries at most. I assert that this image should be removed from dialectic.

  It is the two philosophers of Plato and Aristotle who are walking in the center of the school of Athens drawn by Raphael. Probably, I think their dialogue is an image of general dialectic. The fluidity of dialectic is not flow of the river of Heraclitus but that of the dialogue of Plato and Aristotle.

     The school of Athens

1) This is a translation of "弁証法のイメージ".
2) Plato is a symbol of dialogue. In contrast, Aristotle is that of the law of contradiction.
3) In addition, it is a synchronic structure of dialectic that the two philosophers are walking along the corridor side by side when we regard them as two logical thoughts.